Sick Sixth Six!

Okay, Stargrace tagged me with a meme to post the sixth screenshot from the sixth subfolder of my saved screenshots.
So that’s what I’m gonna do. All my file names are actually a hash code I made so I wouldn’t keep duplicate pictures so honestly, I don’t know what picture is gonna show here.

This is from my EQ Classic folder, and shows us in a Hate raid, before it was made into an xp zone.
That’s Bridgecrusher tanking, so this is either with United Norrath Coalition or A Twist of Fate, most likely UNC. I don’t see any recognizable planar armor, but I do see Kunark armor, so that would probably make this screen shot from sometime in mid-late 2000.
I’m not going to tag anyone, but if anyone else wants to go through their screen shots — sixth screen in sixth subfolder — feel free, and link back 🙂
For Quain — I loved the old UI!!!

Heh 🙂
Oh yeah, check out the awesome Sol B armor.

15 thoughts on “Sick Sixth Six!”

  1. Don’t forget the poor Bard there, she’s kicking Imbrued Legs which are tres sexy planar gear.
    I wish I could say was the sixth screenshot in my sixth folder, but it’s probably the only EverQuest screenshot I have left. I think I just love it as a reminder of the fact that I played in the ‘cockpit’ UI for 50+ levels. In my defense, my computer was so terrible that it helped performance (which is also why I’m playing in the top down view).

  2. Thank you. I suspect this will kill my MMO days. I’d like to think marriage will be more 1v1 than massively multi-player anthing lol.

  3. Wow (looking back at the lower screenshot), I can’t believe I was still using a Blackened Alloy Medallion at 46. I bet I still have all that gear around somewhere. Maybe not the BAM.

  4. Sorry I quit Facebook, but I wasn’t really checking it that often. Do you use any other social web things? Twitter? I like Twitter these days.
    Also, can I have your stuff?
    So happy to hear you’re finally getting hitched! Is this someone you met in England?

  5. Whoa, it’s Tipa. I had actually come across your blog a while ago, reading EQ2 and Wizard 101 stuff, but I didn’t realize it was you until you posted your signatures (because I obviously don’t read what is posted plainly on the site).

  6. Heh, I’m doing pretty good, been playing various stuffs for things, mainly EQ2 (on Antonia Bayle). I actually downloaded Wizard 101 again because of your posts so I’ve been playing that these days.
    Anyway, I started following you on twitter (I’m cambrian_man), it’s just cool when I see people I know out about the internet.

  7. Yup, after a brief time in San Diego, I’m back in LA. I’m a Wizard 101 noob, mind you. I got as far as the early parts of Kroktopia in beta, but in release, I’m just going through the early stuff in Firecat/Triton/Cyclops stuff. My character is Devin Silverspear. )

  8. If you have the Sunken City quest, we’re running through that tonight, you’re totally welcome to come along. It might be early for you, though…

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