So I thought I would have some dynamic pictures of PvPing but — turns out I didn’t actually TAKE any, so that’s out. Instead, I guess I’ll just have to show off my two wizard’s spring outfits.
Because, if I dress them in Spring colors, Spring will come sooner, right?
The idea, when dyeing outfits, is two fold: First, make it obvious what their school is. You should be proud of your school of magic! I admit, in PvP, it took me a couple of rounds to figure out that I was facing TWO Life wizards, because only one of them was wearing the green.
I don’t like that you don’t know anything about your opponents in PvP. But I guess that’s part of the fun.
The second plan for dyeing, and this is just a rule I adopted for myself, is that no two pieces could have the same two colors.
Allison — she’s the balance wizard — was a tough nut. Balance school colors are ORANGE and PINK. There is NO WAY you can make something nice from that. Sigh. Okay. I mixed some gold in, but there’s your orange and pink. Yuk.
Anyway. I have articles on PvP and deck building coming up. The PvP article will take awhile because I want to figure out some strats and — well, I’m not going to come here and write about winning in PvP until I am winning more duels than I lose. I will say that the strats for 1v1, 2v2 and 4v4 are entirely different, and so the type of duel you prefer will absolutely change the cards you bring to the game.
That said, I’ll probably write my article on deck building, especially “short” decks, sometime this week. Look for it, and see you around Ravenwood!
C’mon Tipa, orange and pink were THE fashion colors some years back. And the Japanese love the combo, from what I can tell.
I dunno. Doesn’t scream “balance!” at me. More like “probably UNBALANCED, maybe dangerous, potential terrorist”.
Pink? Here I’ve been thinking that the Balance school colors are orange and tan. Yes, I play Balance. Maybe I just missed a memo.
And y’know, I’m happy to confuse people with my colors, at least if I’m going to PvP.
MMMft I dunno I was just going by the colors on all the balance robes that drop. Strong pink component.
There’s almost no point in confusing people in PvP. Not like you can adjust your cards, wand or gear. Well, maybe if you were looking at them in the lobby, but I always sign up then head off to quest until the match is called.
This 2nd life wizard was casting spells out of school. Bad idea. He was playing poorly, and even though it was me vs two of them most of that particular fight, and they were both healers, I would have still won if I’d played the locust swarm I meant to play instead of the fairy, and didn’t fizzle the next two times I tried to play it.
well i’m a balance wizard i ususally where brown and white i don’t like the orange only if it has white.But when i fight it doesn’t matter what spells you use they well know eventually anyway in pvp so why bother confusing them i just ue brown and white all the time it looks good i think nobody has told me so far that it looks ugly.plus i have a question is it a good idea to buy gear from zeke your same school even if you have those same spells or well have them in the future as you level up? the reasone i ask is because i’m balance and my second is life i was thinking on getting judgment as a robe from marleybone and getting hydra as a hat from mooshu and as boots dryod something like that i don’t know how to spell that name it’s from mooshu and it’s a healing spell from life.
@Nestor — it is best to buy Zeke/Crowns gear that matches your own school for two reasons. First, the spells given by Crowns gear is often more powerful than the normal version you get from your school. And second, power pips mean you can bring out this new spell even faster — if it is of your own school.
Judgment is one of the most powerful spells in the game, and the version of the spell given by Crowns gear make it even more powerful. The Dryad spell gives a variable heal that can be cast on other people and is one of the cool spells all wizards should be able to cast, especially in duels. My main is a Life wizard, and that is the ONLY heal spell I ever use. I cast a Sprite Guardian who handles the regular healing. I have no other heals in my deck, even.
Hydra isn’t that great a spell. It’s an upgrade to Spectral Blast and typically it means it has three chances to be shielded against by your opponent, so it’s mostly useful only against Spirit opponents (life, death and myth). But it’s really good against them, and you’re a balance wizard so it’s powerful in your hands — yeah, those are all good spells.
I color my things to look pleasing to my eye. I can’t get into coloring by magic school since that would have all of my outfits colored similarly which would bore me. Sometimes I feel bad for having abandoned my character in W101. I’m still subscribed and have every intention of coming back but I’m having more fun bopping around Runes right now. I know that I can play more than one game but somehow I feel guilty, like I’m cheating on W101.
I have half a dozen complete outfits, and though all feature green, they otherwise look nothing alike. I sometimes try out red outfits, or white or whatever, and they look good, but it feels to me like I am betraying my school, and so I go back to colors that hint strongly at Life.
I don’t know anyone else who really cares about looking like they belong to their school of magic, but it gives me some fashion boundaries to play with. I want passersby to take a second look, and say — I’ve never seen those colors before! And yet now that I have, they seem so right! That’s how I used to feel when I would look at the master dyers in EverQuest, who would do things with armor I could never have imagined.
I guess that’s weird
It’s all part of the fashion game I play in every game that lets me play it. Perhaps that is why I don’t care for WoW — it doesn’t let me be unique?
I wouldn’t feel guilty about not playing W101. It’s a casual game, it’s meant to be played casually. I only play a couple of times a week, and most of the time when I’m playing I’m just goofing off in PvP or farming pets or just chatting (with great difficulty).
See, Saylah, that’s why Access Passes are brilliant; you don’t have to feel bad for leaving for a while and letting that sub money go to waste.
Actually, the Balance school colors tan & maroon. Just look at the pedastol book when you come into the balance school. Kind of late though, oh well.