Back in, oh, I guess this would be the early 90s, I had a friend who was so excited about finally putting all her paintings — ‘paintings’ — on this new World Wide Web thing. I’d known she liked art, but painting? I didn’t know she did that.
She sent everyone in our little circle of friends links to her paintings page. And it was all, every single one, pictures of her filtered through some oil painting setting of some early paint program.
Oooh, Van Gogh must have been turning in his grave. This was quite a long time ago, but even so, I’m pretty sure old Vincent was dead by then.
Anyway, I present this new PAINTING by me, which I PAINTED, and in no way is a screenshot run through a Photoshop filter.

“Feeding Time”, ca 2009, acrylics on canvas (not Photoshop)
The huggable kobold there is one of two new ‘house items’ added to the Station Marketplace RMT store recently. The other one is a stern looking high elf. Yeah. Can you imagine trying to sleep with some ELF looking at you? Brrrr. The kobold only cost 100 Sonybucks, and every account had gotten 150 when all this started, so I bought the kobold and set him up in my room in the guild hall. Then Kasul fed him a platter of dead rats. THOSE didn’t last very long.
![]() Helm of the Good Ship Lollipop |
![]() Helm of Mom’s Silk Pillowcase |
![]() Armor of My Corpse Is Safety Green |
There’s also two new hats in the Marketplace and a full set of Ranger armor. Not so excited about the Love Boat hat, but mostly because you have to shave your head bald to wear it. She HAS NO HAIR beneath that hat! It’s a look that says, “Hi! There’s lunch on the Lido Deck at 3, followed immediately by the New Tunaria Fascism League annual awards ceremony!”
The middle helm, though — I am getting SO CLOSE to spending money in the RMT store, and in fact, this helm might just push me over the edge. I wonder, is this stuff marked with the HEIRLOOM tag? Because if I could share this stuff between the characters on my account, it would be a done deal.
The last is a full set of ranger-looking armor. If they make this in black, I might go for it.
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There was some discussion in the guild hall last night about the executioner’s hood. I said Fae look cute in EVERYTHING. Kasul said I couldn’t find a way to make a Fae look cute in that hood. A few minutes with the broker, and I think she looks cute.
But really, the prize has to go to the halfling males. This hood was MADE for them. Made JUST FOR THEM!
i was thinking the executioner hat and the black t1 mastercrafted robe would look amazing.
I actually did dress the Fae in hood and black robes and basically, she vanished, you could only really see her wings. Her body faded into the background.
But on a larger creature, that could look cool, like something out of Order of the Stick…
First let me say I love your blog.
Now the bad news: the items in the RMT store are NO-TRADE and not HEIRLOOM. I bought the shiny armor (with the wizard hat) for my ranger, then the green stuff came out so I bought that, and then I decided I wanted the same armor for my shadowknight (who is in the awful-looking T8 incarnadine stuff; he looks like Sark from TRON).
Well, I went ahead and dropped the extra $10 to buy the same armor crate as before. Now the ranger is in the green outfit and the shadowknight is in the shiny stuff with the wizard hat he’ll never wear.
Ugh. You know, when they introduced the HEIRLOOM tag, I figured the perfect use for that tag would be the RMT stuff. The SonyBucks are account wide, why not the stuff you buy? The mechanism is in place, and if I buy that executioner’s hood, I want to use it in the outfits of whichever character looks best at the time.
Someone at SOE should look into this!
Adding your blog to the blogroll btw!!!
I’m not sure I could take myself seriously in that black hood, like you said, it either looks like a pillowcase or like a recolor of the white version that, well, would not be a very politically correct addition to the game.
You should see the hood on a sarnak, Armadillo…. no wait, you shouldn’t. It’s one of the Secrets Man Was Not Meant to Know.
*scurries away to lock the picture of the hood on his sarnak in the Warehouse Basement*
I like how the oil painting really captures the essence of the intense aliasing in the EverQuest II graphics engine. Everything is so jagged, yet blotchy. Color me impressed.
I am liking the new stuff they are putting in the marketplace. My arasai dirge now has the hood, and a black armor set very similar to he one you have on your fae. I think it’s about as close as a fae/arasai can get to looking dangerous.
I was very tempted by the cap for my ratonga that runs around with the Captain title. If only SoE could fix it so he could wear it without losing his ear- and nose-rings.
where can i find the executioners helm for my char?
In the Station Marketplace; it’s off the EQ2 button menu in the UI.