It’s probably just because EverQuest was my first really huge MMO (though not my first; Nexus: Kingdom of the Wind was my first), but I’ve never really felt about any other MMO the way I felt about EQ. Even though sometimes it was frustrating, it was always fun, and it’s the friends I met there and the memories I have that have kept me subscribed since May of 1999.
SOE announced in January that they would be combining the Druzzil Ro server with the Combine server. The Combine server was the last remaining progression server, a server that gradually opened up content based on players reaching certain milestones until the servers unlocked everything.
They also announced that they would be adding a NEW server in March, this month, for the EverQuest 10th anniversary, and that they would have a poll open in January to decide upon the rule set for this new server.
As far as I know, they never had this poll (or if so, I never saw it). But I haven’t heard anything about this new server since the announcement last year. So there still might be time to influence the new server.
Those of us who remember the old, hard days of EverQuest, where your reputation was everything, friends were essential and the community was strong, know that no modern game — not even modern EverQuest — would consider making a game with an element of real fear and danger. The “Classic EQ Petition” page says different — that yes, actually, there are those of us who still would like to play EQ as it was originally, very, very dangerous, but where, with friends, you could leave the cities and strike out into a world of true adventure.
If you think that’s something you’d like, too, why not sign the petition?
11 thoughts on “Classic EQ Petition”
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If that new server is a progression server and nostalgia starts a group there, I will totally resub and begin my adventures with the Nostalgia group!
If it DOES happen (and I think it would be a significant commitment from SOE to make it happen, but you never know), we’d definitely be there
The poll is live today as you log into EQ, it pops up a window asking which rule set you prefer:
-New progression server–Combine Rules
-New PvP server–Zek Rules
-New standard server–regular blue server
-New role play server–FV rules
-51/50 Server–start at 51 with 50AA
-Any of the above
I’m torn between choice 1 and 3
I dunno if I want a Combine “race to the top” server. I’d rather have a comfortable, social server — like the classic stuff, where there was no real reason to level quickly, so people were far more relaxed. If I wanted to get back into the EQ raid grind, I’m sure I could find a guild somewhere that needed a cleric. But I don’t. I just like hanging out and chatting in xp groups and not getting too crazy about the level grind.
Still, I guess I would go for option 1 or 4, Firiona Vie rules, only because that ruleset is so different.
That said, I WILL DO WHAT I HAVE TO TO BE ABLE TO RAID SSRA, VT and POP AGAIN. Even though that probably means racing to max level. Just because I want to do those raids again so, so much.
The “start at 50” thing is something they should just add as an option on the live servers, or make it a potion or something in the Station Marketplace where you’re brought straight to level 51 with 50 AAs.
I would be up for this, I would like a FV type server, but i wouldnt mind it being like the combine. As you would actualy get to do all the old raids
I have three more accounts I can vote with. Who wants to do this Venezuela style? My vote goes to the top bidder!
If you are looking for a classic Everquest feel, may I suggest Al’Kabor, the EQ Mac server? That server is locked into Planes of Power expansion/patches so it still maintains most of the integrity of old Everquest (no maps, race XP penalities, respectable time to lvl, etc). There are also active progression guilds that play by strict rules and pre-Kunark content is still being raided. In all honesty, it is about as genuine of a classic everquest experience you are ever going to get from Sony.
Please check out and
If I had a Mac, I’d be tempted
It exists!!! A classic server has gone live! It’s run by some classic EQ fans through EQEMU. Check it out the server is great and the population is increasing daily
Shuvit is a great tip!
Strange to find the old EQ still alive on SOE’s Al’ Kabor server.
Just get yourself a cheap Mac or read up about a way to run the Mac OS.
A fantastic find. Go and have a look at the stickies and other posts on