EQ2: Brewday, or: How did I end up HERE?


No, please, just give me a second … I remember it, at least I think I do … Dammit, someone turn out the lights. Oh, that’s the sun? Then could someone PLEASE TURN OFF THE SUN?
Gah. My head … Oh, you want to know what I did on Brewday?
Damned if I know. The last thing I remember was getting together with the drummer from the band after a few of their songs and …
Would you STOP MOVING SO FAST? I have enough trouble focusing … well, just sit still or something.


Anyway, so I wake up back in the Guild Hall with a few kegs, a mostly-empty stone stein, a cabbage with eyes and an evil grin that calls me “Mommy”, and a tattoo on my rear that says “Brell Was Here”. I wouldn’t even have noticed if it didn’t hurt so damn much.
Anyway. I’m just gonna go back to bed for a week and then see a sage about getting that damn tattoo removed.
And if the sage so much as snickers, he’s dead. DEAD.

6 thoughts on “EQ2: Brewday, or: How did I end up HERE?”

  1. Good times. It’s a clever holiday, I just wish it didn’t involve zoning quite so much. I think I spent more time last night staring at loading screens than collecting items/getting drunk/etc.

  2. P.S. Forgot to mention, I like the outfit on the Fae. It’s always fun when you get to coordinate with your wing colors – I was thrilled to find a questline in Zek that coughed up an entire set of green healing leather for my dirge, cause suddenly she’s got an all-green outfit in her appearance slots. 🙂

  3. You missed the best screen shot of them all. The troll chick in Gorowan. I’m going to be scarred for life by that one.

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