I was teleporting around Cap du Diablo and this story came to me, pretty much exactly as it is here. Sometimes they just come like that, fully formed, and then it’s just a matter of putting the pieces together.

Come for the games, stay for the drama.
I was teleporting around Cap du Diablo and this story came to me, pretty much exactly as it is here. Sometimes they just come like that, fully formed, and then it’s just a matter of putting the pieces together.
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Think I’ll go visit my CoH/V toons for a bit this afternoon and see if I have any better luck than Sunday at getting used to the game again after waaaay too much time away.
Poor toons, couple have been offline for 2000+ days
HA I like the last part about dancing nice
Awesome!!! Very nice indeed!!
CoX is such a great game for building stories around.
The Tron boots totally sell this one for me.
Anyone else as excited about Tron 2 as I am, by the way?
I loved the Tron 2.0 game, and I’m looking forward to the movie. As always, I hope they don’t mess it up, but I definitely would like to see what they have in mind.
Beautiful story, and great comic. Dancing the night away at Pocket D makes a great celebration after a job well done.
Of course, I feel out of touch now for not knowing about Tron 2, hehe. Bruce Boxleitner needs more movie roles!
Nice comic, Tipa!
Tron 2 will definitely be something I will go and see, but at the same time I think it may be difficult to do a good sequel in the same spirit that made the original one a cult classic.