Thought it was time the old blog got a bit of a face lift. First up: A new header image that replaces the rotating headers of before. It takes up less bandwidth than the others which will help in my bandwidth costs, and it’s more “West Karana” than before
Graphics done with Inkscape, the open source drawing/illustration program. Font is Cooper MT Medium Bold from The objects on which the stuff was based are from SOE’s EVERQUEST! Of course! The griffon was trucked in from North Karana for the photo shoot.
8 thoughts on “New header!”
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I shall miss the old one, I really liked it.
Love it for its simplicity and cuteness.
I’ve had that rotating banner for a long time, and I do like it, but I wanted something new. With a giant in it.
The giant was important.
You like Inkscape? I’ve not had much occasion to use it, but I’ve heard good things.
No, not really. Well, some parts of it I REALLY like, but there are many parts I can’t stand, and it has a bunch of bugs which very much frustrated me while I was making this. Half the griffon’s wing would clip for some reason. The blurry letter shadows would sometimes snap into focus. The price was right, though.
I also removed the “Popular Posts” widget. I don’t trust the numbers at all and am pretty sure it was just being inflated by bot views.
I shall miss the Othmir.
Othmir & co might be back in some form
I love them too! That was no Othmir, that was my druid Etha turned into one by a mischievous GM!