This whole Web 2.0, social media thing is pretty cool, isn’t it? Friday, the Lord of the Rings Online branch of Nostalgia the Guild, using Twitter and XFire, decided to move en masse from Windfola to the Landroval RP server to join the Casualties of War folk. Since it will take several weeks for the Turbine staff to slog through the backlog and move our current characters, I started a new Hobbit hunter and did the introduction Friday night.
Saturday, I spent a little more time and soloed to 14, including the epic prologue, completing every deed in the Elf lands of Ered Luin. (Yes, ALL of them).
Sunday, soloed the Epic quest to the last chapter and am just waiting for a group to finish up Book 1. My hunter is on the threshold of level 19, and is a Journeyman Tailor who has made most of her armor.
I have played Captain, Champion, Minstrel, Guardian and Warden up to at least level 20, and all of those have (at least) completed Book 1 (Captain is starting Book 4). And none of those classes was as little challenging as the Hunter.
Quick Shot to snare, Barbed Shot to Wound and set up for melee, then Swift Shot and that focused shot if needed, but usually I just let the monster crawl slowly toward me, then hit it with the melee strike that does vast damage if the monster has been hit with Barbed Shot. Two monsters? Set trap, snare and range kill one while second one stares at you from the other side of the trap. Three? Snare/Barb Shot one, then Barb Shot the others at point blank range and use that melee strike plus the other melee arts to bring them down. Hopefully one is in a trap.
Point, click, kill. The only reason I died, once, at level 16, was because I fell.
On the whole, a disappointingly easy class. I’m told they get teleports later on as well. I wonder how that fits into Tolkein’s lore. Tracking, too. If I got some more in-combat morale regeneration gear, I bet I could be a heck of a kiter.
Thanks to Ethic of Kill Ten Rats, I’m now a proud member of Casualties of War! So I can put a checkmark next to that in my list of things to do in my life
Good fun
Very nice. Even though I don’t currently play any MMO’s that have official CoW guilds, I’ll always consider myself a CoW-in-absentia. Welcome to the herd!
Welcome aboard! Here’s to many adventures! Yeah…my main is a level 30 hunter. You get some decent ports. But you’re still going to be the main DPS in a fellowship…all with using just two abilities I’m finding. Of course, your tracking will come in very handy both in solo and group outings. And even though I don’t really understand it, hunters can affect the way fellowship abilities trigger I guess. I usually play a ranger class so I’m comfortable as a hunter, but they’re not the best of that character class when compared to other MMOs.
Welcome to the Llandroval server.
Despite reading several blogs by CoW members, I had never realised that CoW was on my LoTRO server; I get zero out of ten for observation.
The hunter “teleports”, like the “swift travel” horse routes and your racial homecity teleport that you unlock at higher levels, presume that the travel happens, just off-camera and without any enemy encounters. I am significantly bitter about this – because I did not choose to play a hunter, the game obligates me to spend large amounts of my time watching my character ride/walk places in the name of the lore.
Awesome! That’s where my character is
If I ever get around to logging in and playing more LOTRO – I’ll see you guys! Hehehe.
Glad you have joined us. Granted, we are more of a static group kinship, but as more and more people sign up we are finding ourselves with several people on at the same time on a regular basis.
My “main” is a level 42 hunter and I think he grouped up all of once. He is a solo machine that has not finished a single book. The teleports really spoil things for my other characters because I started to take them for granted.