The NDA prevents me from going into any detail at all about Free Realms, but Massively has more Free Realms info than you can read, so I don’t really have to provide detail. I do have lots of screenies and reactions saved up, though.
My highest level job is five, so I can’t claim to have seen much of the game, but what I have seen is amazingly high quality. The minigames are integrated well into the world (in much the same way I expect they will be in Gatheryn), and the adventure instances are funny and a lot of fun.
I’ve recently decided that what I like most in MMOs is exploring new places and dressing up my character to look cool. Free Realms scratches both those itches.
More details when I can
PS — I do love the shoutouts to EQ2.
I am in the beta also. There I admit it. I am letting my girlfriend play it. I am too hooked on Guild Wars now and still waiting for word on my Champions invite
Oh yeah, if I were in Champions beta… well, you wouldn’t be hearing much from me for awhile.
Arrghh!! I am so envious. I want a beta invite, too. *sniffles* Been obsessively checking my email every day hoping I’d have an email from them.
Didn’t got mine yet too
Just got into the beta earlier today – oh how I wish we could openly talk/blog about it. I guess the most I can say is, I can’t wait for it to go live.
Add me to the list of “in beta and can’t wait for launch”.