Chronicles of Spellborn: Returning to Parliament


I spent a couple of days wandering lost through the silver mines in Quarterstone’s Statue District, which ended the only way they could possibly end — with my character’s death and revival at the dungeon exit, whereupon I took off. While wandering through the dungeon, which is mostly a PvP-enabled area, I was attacked by packs of hyenas, hunted by raptors, burned by salamanders and tied to a plank by pirates. Vicious, vicious place, and I only got half of the incredibly rare resource I needed to harvest there.
I did find someone from another House in the dungeon. Meeting someone from another High House in a PvP zone means you are mutually KoS. They had just been fighting, were low on health and suffering from a DoT. It would have been an easy kill, but after confirming with them that they wouldn’t be coming after me when they healed, I moved on. I don’t like PvP servers because I like ganking people — I don’t, and actually, I suck at PvP. I like PvP servers because you have to be more careful.
On Parliament, I advanced the epic House Shroud quest that moves us sneaky types through the game, found the mailbox and checked my mail. Oh dear, there’s a lot of mail there, and most of them offered quests.
Looks like I’ll be on Parliament for awhile.

Had my first chance in awhile (remember: lost in a dungeon for days) to check my loot, and I found this cool looking leaf blade, plus a REALLY cool looking two hander sword and a meh two hander axe. I totally don’t remember these dropping. This sword is level 13, the two two-handers were both level 15, and in Spellborn, higher level doesn’t mean better stats — weapons have no stats. They just look cooler.
I fitted the sword with sigils for healing and rune damage (not that I do rune damage, it was the only sigil I had for the slot) and went out to find interesting ways to die.
And guess what? I go and get myself lost in another dungeon. Sigh. I did find an exit — to Sorrowmist, a level 35+ zone. So I’m pinned in the dungeon by level 36 cats on one side and this horrible, horrible boss mob named Munch on the other. That’s him in the top picture. I did manage to take him down without dying, though I went through easily a dozen pets. As soon as he drops, another Munch rounds the corner running straight for me.
That’s when I discovered Sorrowmist.
Wish me luck.

6 thoughts on “Chronicles of Spellborn: Returning to Parliament”

  1. hey dude! can you please bacome a mamber of my new site! i would love it! i really need some feed back and new members because the only member there is there is me!

  2. Every time you write something about TCoS, I download the thing again and see what’s changed 🙂 At the start, I did it mostly for the nicy shiny red-and-black armor I have, but meanwhile I see the game come together nicely.
    Wonder if it’s soon worth paying for, but I’m always afraid there just isn’t enough spare time to warrant a full-price MMO 🙁

  3. You can just play the low level stuff for free, check out all the different classes… but I love reading about your adventures in Shards of Dalaya so much, I’d miss it if you switched to TCoS!

  4. Yeah, I’ve played TCoS right after it came out of beta — or maybe I was in the beta test? I don’t really remember. Though if it was the beta, then you might expect an NDA, and I can’t remember that.
    Thanks for the nice words 🙂 By the way, a few others have started SoD character blogs as well and it’s great fun. I’m working on a Planet that aggregates all those blogs, but it’s not really official yet until it gets a pretty theme to look at. I’ll blog about it once it’s up 🙂

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