Earth Eternal announces *22* player races

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The distinguished Senior Partners.

Sparkplay, developers of the upcoming free-to-play, browser-based, anthropomorphic (not Furry) MMO Earth Eternal, announced that they have profile pages for each of the 22 perfect examples of Beastdom available for you to play.
Man is long dead, the meek (you) have inherited the Earth, but what you do with it now is entirely up to you.
I’d actually just been to their site to see how they’re doing the other day, and now this — that’s serendipity for ya.
Anyway, they’re hosting a survey to fill up their pool of potential beta applicants, so if you’re interested in F2P, browser-based fantasy MMOs with a twist, sign up for an account and maybe we’ll see you in Earth Eternal!

5 thoughts on “Earth Eternal announces *22* player races”

  1. @Anjin I win, for making such a geeky joke in the first place 😛 I just finished watching the last season of Angel, in my own defense…
    @TheDeadEye ME TOO! It’s REALLY getting good!

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