I knew I wasn’t crazy! Okay, back up — I knew I had really seen this! Jury’s still out about the whole “crazy” thing.
Since I am soon to join the iBorg iPhone iCollective, it’s time to start adding iPhone games to my beat. When there’s an iPhone game coming out from prolific MMO publishers Aeria game, where you can find virtual items hidden in the real world using your iPhone 3G that can be used or redeemed in game — well — that’s just kinda cool.
The game is called “iCollector”, and it kinda reminds me of that old standby “Parallel Kingdom” that overlays a virtual world over the real world. Here’s what Aeria has to say about it:
The iCollector is a real-life treasure hunt app with social features for you to find and communicate with friends near your area. We will drop virtual items that you can use in our existing games or coupons for Aeria Points all over the world for you to find, collect, trade, sell, and use in-game. The application utilizes GPS technology to get your coordinates and the coordinates of the virtual items. Once you’re near the virtual items, the iCollector will allow you to collect and afterwards, sell or use in-game. These will be virtual items and not physical items – think of Geo Caching for virtual items. During the alpha test, the items are not in-game items; they will be after the official launch.
There are many additional features that we will implement in the near future, such as the ability to drop items yourselves, coordinate with friends to search for high-value items, etc. For now, we are looking for alpha testers to give feedback.
So if you are a geek — WITH an iPhone — and you want to wander about, staring at your hands, mumbling to yourself while reacting to things only you can see — then head over to the forums and get the full details from Aeria on how you can join the iCollective.
Thanks for the tip, just applied for the test
That is incredibly cool.