One of the most frustrating things in Wizard 101 is the inability to speak freely. Wizard 101 uses a “dictionary” chat system, which only allows words in that dictionary, and things like numbers, names of states or anything else that might be used to easily identify or locate someone, replaced with an ellipsis (…).
This hardly slows down persistent players who quickly figure out ways around any and all chat limitations, but adults, at least, will no longer have to. KingsIsle is introducing “18+” chat to Wizard 101, which will allow paying subscribers of the appropriate age to say what they like — aside from profanity, of course. 13-17 players will still see only the heavy filtering.
Here’s the full info, from Professor Greyrose herself:
We are releasing new community enhancements very soon!
One of the enhancements is 18+ Chat*. 18+ Chat will allow players a more open communication environment with other 18+ players. Starting tonight, we are adding web-based account controls for 18+ chat. Please be aware that although the control will be added to your account, 18+ Chat will NOT be launched tonight.
This chat feature is in response to our community’s requests. To ensure the highest level of safety, we have chosen to launch this for our active Subscriber community only. Please note that this option is off by default, and you must actively select this option under Account Management.
Our terms for in-game communication with other players will remain the same. Violent and abusive behavior, as well as the exchange of personal information is still not acceptable.
Once we launch this feature, the following updates to chat will apply:
Menu Chat (default setting for under13)
• players will continue to see only Menu Chat.
13 to 18+ Text Chat (default setting for 13+)
• players will continue to see only our Dictionary Text Chat.
• players will NOT see the 18+ chat.
New 18+ Chat
• will be filtered for profanity.
*Accounts must be 18+ and must be an active subscriber with a valid credit card on file.
I can’t wait to see what else they’re working on!
I cannot wait for this feature, as I already posted on friendly’s blog!
Looking forward to this a LOT!
This should have been in the game at launch, but I can understand the “better safe than sorry” mentality.
The only part that bugs me is that it’s restricted to subbers. As an Access Pass customer, well over 18, as well as an avowed non-subber, that can’t help but rub me the wrong way. Then again, I’m not hugely bothered by the chat filter in the first place… it just seems like a silly arbitrary decision. My money is as good as anyone else’s.
oh man I wish they did this for people who are at least 17 years old but oh well only one year until i’m 18 hey tipa since grizzlehiem is going to be a sidequest world and it seems that KI is reccomending to make a new character I was thinking on making my second character to be a life wizard what the part that you hate the most or isa annoying to you about school of life? plus can you give me any reccomendations on life.