Between allergies and traveling, hasn’t been a lot of writing being done. When I got back home Sunday, there were nearly 200 messages in the my feed readers. Ugh. Lots happened!
<-- You'll see over on the left that we now have a guild on Free Realms. Let me know if you want to join
On to the blogs!
As an aside on his "W101 Player Trading Cards” theme, Thomas the Friendly Necromancer notes that many Wizard 101 bosses are now virtually unkillable. Supposedly, the bosses now have a specific strategy. With a definite script to many boss fights, is Wizard 101 taking a step toward the extremely scripted encounters of World of Warcraft.
Beau Turkey spend 1279 words (yes, I counted, took me all night) telling us that “sandbox” is a stupid word for a game that offers choices in gameplay. Next on his docket: explaining why it’s “ketchup” and not “catsup”, dammit.
People often use the term “WoW Tourist” to disparage those who leave WoW from time to time to try other games, but eventually return to the fold. Spinks becomes the first person I know of to extol the virtues of being a dyed in the wool WoW tourist. Can’t argue with people who stay with a game. I was an EQ tourist once. Once.
Naamah at Aionic Thoughts has collected all the chain attack animations for all eight of Aion’s classes. They are pretty darn impressive. You just know that PvP using these chains is just going to be about the most fantastic thing to watch — EVER.
Snazfg has the news about Aion’s PvP, as he spent a few hours this last play weekend seeing how the wings work when life is on the line. It turns out that adding that crucial third dimension to PvP changes everything. And gives the reason why your character will always face its target.
And lastly but not leastly, Hudson wants you to know what happens when you’re just content to play your game and not worry about all the changes and what they might be doing to your game. You’re KILLING YOUR GAME. So, you know, keep reading those blogs.
Well geez, you guys blogged so much on the weekend, you didn’t have anything left for Monday?
See you soon and keep on gaming!
Catsup is NOT ketchup in the way that…
…ah, darn it. Sorry.
The whole sandbox thing is still being yammered about. People won’t let me stop using the word. I am trying to not use the worrrrddd! lol
Beau: I agree. We should call them Sonnets instead (a strict form but freedom within it. a la stitch in time)
I think I’m blogged out
So, Hudson, effectively you’re saying “game over”? Sorry, I couldn’t resist
We once found unexplained catsup packets from an amusement park in our daughter’s sandbox, which used to be in our back yard.
Or were they ketchup packets?
Anyway, she outgrew the sandbox and we cannot afford to go to amusement parks this summer.
I think there is a lesson in that for all of us.
I hope KI doesn’t have a huge backfire with the changes to boss fights. One of the things people were extolling, myself included, was that I could solo or two-man bosses. This was great because there was no group mechanic, some instances are VERY long and a death is a restart and what adult wants to PUG with kids? Making them more challenging, I can understand to a degree. However, both kids I turned on to the game left during Kroko because it’s the point at which a child can’t complete many of the quests without an adult, let alone beat the bosses to unlock the next world. If this is a tween game, I’m not so sure they should be adding this level of difficulty. I loved the fact that you could choose to make the game more strategic my attempting to solo instance bosses and what not while having 2+ made completion a sure bet.
I hope they haven’t had their heads turned by adults playing their game and spending money, only to find out that they will loose the other sector by making it less casual friendly. I’m not sure they could make-up for a tween/kid population loss with adult players.
So it’s the Daily BlogRoll again? Anyway, Malistaire is extremely hard in Wizard 101. Nobody’s been able to defeata him on test.
So it’s the Daily BlogRoll again? Anyway, Malistaire is extremely hard in Wizard 101. Nobody’s been able to defeat him on the test server.
Well, I’m having allergy attacks and my body wants me to go to sleep around 9PM, so yeah, until those pass…. back to days again.