Wizard 101 Comic Contest

Old Drake doesn't think so fast these days...
Isaiah Spelldust of Defenders of the Spiral is having a comic contest! Well, I’m always up for a comic 🙂 That’s my entry above. Good luck! Here’s Isaiah with the rules:

Just to let you know about my first ever Comic Contest!
-Anyone can enter!
-The comic has to be Wizard 101 related
-Entries can be submitted between July 22-August 13
-No run-offs of anyone elses comics!
-The winner’s ( 2-3 ) will get to make a comic with me. Except YOU get to make up the theme!
– You must submit all comics to me via e-mail; Isaiahspelldust@gmail.com
-Have fun! And relax, there’s no rush in this race!
Good Luck

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