In honor of finally being able to fly the Dominix, a collage of most of my ships (to scale). Some I don’t have anymore, like the Myrmidon, which was pinned down by (no exaggeration) about twenty ships, two of which had warp scramblers, and taken apart. I was just a couple of hours from being able to fly the Dominix battleship, so I helped with a mining op for a little while, then got the ship, crafted a stable fitting from spare parts — including two warp stabilizers — and headed into the deadspace encounter.
I was kinda shocked to find I had to be within 24km of something to target it, and that locking on took a full minute. I’d always thought of battleships as something you park a very, very long way from the action because they move very, very slowly and pretty much are hoping things want to come to them, rather than the other way around.
No afterburners or anything because my junkyard fit required a full array of capacitor rechargers and batteries.
I’d brought thirty drones with me and there were still four drones hanging in space where my wreck would have been if it hadn’t decayed. Once I got a target on ANYTHING, I just set my drones on it and they did the rest. I had a bit of luck with three slow-moving enemy transports that I managed to lure into range and then kill with smartbombs.
Eventually finished the mission (no, no early completion bonus) and put the Dominix back in drydock and discovered the two warp stabilizers I’d fitted were the targeting culprits. Why? I don’t know, nothing I can find says they have this effect.
Dominix can tank and toss drones out as advertised, but I miss the nimbleness of the Myrmidon. I don’t know how many millions of ISK in fittings decayed out there. I’ll probably find out soon, because I am at least a month away from being able to fit the Dominix properly.
I think I need an EVE break. Today was just a little too intense. Maybe a couple days away….
For an idea of the human scale of these ships, the scale is 1px = 1m. The Myrmidon is listed as 532m tall. An average person is about 1.5-1.75m tall, or less than 2 pixels in the picture. The Empire State Building is 443m tall, from the base to the top of the lightning rod — substantially shorter than the Myrmidon. I’d wondered if those little dots of light decorating the ships were meant to be windows or just running lights, but the ships are so large that they might well be lit windows.
8 thoughts on “EVE Online: My fleet”
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The WCS’s have a targeting and lock time penalty becuz they didn’t used to and nano-ships would fit a ton of them and be uncatchable while they zipped in and out and killed everything that couldn’t hit them becuz they couldn’t be tackled.
And “nothing” says they do that? Check your item link again:
It very specifically says that it gives a -40% scan res and -40% targeting range. And they aren’t stack nerfed on the penalty, so having 2 of them fit is -80%. . . .
Nice collage, btw. Now I’m gonna have to think about making one myself.
Dang, no edit button.
Funny you shold mention the Empire State Bldg as a size comparator. I just ran across this:
Awesome image
I love the scale of the ships! It makes everything in EVE seem so massive and immersive 
The battleships can be fitted for either short range or long range, but they’re usually much better in one or the other. The Dominix, due to it’s focus on drones, is usually considered a short-range vessel because the time the drones spend flying is wasted time. However, you can fit it with sentry drones, which stay put and shoot from a distance. For Gallente, the Megathron and the Hyperion are more in tune what you imagined battleships to be: slow, lumbering beasts that blow up stuff from a distance. For more mobile fleets, there are the Heavy Assault Cruisers, which combine speed and damage. They do require quite a bit of skill training to use, though.
@Magson, well nothing *I* could find said that WCS would have that effect, but clearly they changed how they worked since the stuff I did find was mentioned. I doubt WCS will be a part of any future build. Thanks for that Empire State Building comparison. Just for fun, I looked at the size of real ships — even our massive aircraft carriers would look small compared to my Retriever! The width of the Catalyst, including its outriggers, is about the same as the length of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier.
@Shirrath – I loved the Domi’s tank. The level of aggro that tore apart my Myrmidon was no trouble for the Domi to handle, even with junk fittings. A medium armor repair unit was almost enough by itself to handle the armor damage, and the shields lasted a heck of a long time without any boosts whatsoever. I’d love to be tanking stuff while the drones fly around doing the damage, which does seem to be the focus of most of the Domi builds I’ve seen. But still, I’d rather aggro stuff from far away and have it fly to me than to have to go up to it. Once I have a MWD fitted, maybe I could see that happening.
Some nice Eve ship scale pics:
Wait until you get to the point where you can run two large armor repair units and some hardeners at the same time.
Also, some Dominix fittings include a single railgun just for aggroing stuff.