Lemons Looks at Love

A guest article by Lemons 🙂

A moderately multiplayer FPS by a single man? What an amazing feat, and when promised some of the best things, such as human-like AI and an almost dream-like virtual world … one can get very excited over a game and follow it for a year or two.

The visuals look almost like watercolors painted on a life canvas. But then said game becomes playable and I spend the next two or three hours wandering around aimlessly in what seems like a mushroom trip without the fun or laughing but instead frustration and confusion.

The way it was shown during development made it seem so artistic and free. Then I pay my 5 dollars to play for 3 hours and the whole dream like quality that I was expecting crashes down with the sudden realization that this is not fun at all.

The point of the game is to find tokens that let you build cities and windmills to defend against AI seems kind of fun till you spend 3 hours just TRYING to find the tokens and end up with a headache instead.

This game seemed awesome till I was able to play it. I might just be playing it wrong or something, but it seems like there is no right way to play this at all.