We last left our intrepid duo of Marissa, 34 Myth wizard, and Allison, 36 Balance wizard, exhausted from having herded half a hundred howling cats in Katzenstein’s Laboratory. Needing a rest before pursuing the evil Meowiarty up the numberless lifts and staircases of the Big Ben clock tower, they went their separate ways, but came together last night to complete the job: to prevent Malistaire from getting his foul hands on the sacred Krokonomicon, once stolen from the Order of the Fang by Meowiarty’s murderous clockworks, with which he will complete the destruction of all the worlds of the Spiral.
The Big Ben lifts require the counterweights to the east and the west to be functioning. Meowiarty’s evil genius had thought of that, and he installed clockwork bosses atop these both to prevent people from interfering with the dark bargaining going on behind that giant clock face.
This was my first time doing these instances without a healer and health was always an issue. The occasional floors full of health and mana wisps were heaven sent, and I used the mark ability to set a teleport point on those floors so I could ready my wizards for the fights to follow.
I worked so much harder on these fights than I did when I came with Tara, my grandmaster Life wizard. There, my sprite guardian would usually keep me healed, if Thomas wasn’t in the group. I couldn’t catch a heal with him in the group. Sprite was in lurrrrrv.
It was really late by the time I finished the two counterweights and the innumerable fights up Big Ben. That’s my excuse for why I thought I wouldn’t be facing any Myth mobs and removed all my prisms from the deck while adding the Myth dome.
The main boss of the battle, Meowiarty, is a Myth wizard, and is very resistant to Myth spells. This meant the bulk of the dps had to come from Allison’s Balance magic. Her USUAL job in the group is sending out a Sandstorm to grab aggro, tanking, buffing and debuffing, and keeping herself alive, while Marissa slaughters the encounter with Humongofrog, Minotaur and Cyclops.
Fortunately, I’d remembered to have the minions in the deck. By the end of the fight, Marissa (whose second school is Life) was working full-time to keep Allison alive while the cyclops minion and Allison took down Meowiarty.
They did win eventually, but Malistaire had already fled to Mooshu to see the Emperor about the spiral key for Dragonspyre.
Instead of following right away, I’ll be heading back to Grizzleheim. Marissa is just a couple of bubbles from level 35, when she’ll inherit all of Tara’s old gear. Though Grizzleheim is not known for its experience — KingsIsle wasn’t lying when they encouraged high level characters to give it a try (and now that they’ve fixed it, it’s possible for them to do so — high level characters were not offered quests to open up new areas). The reason — they wouldn’t be missing out on much experience.
I hope it’s enough to get to level 35.
I don’t really enjoy Mooshu that much. That’s the world where fights just started becoming tediously long, a trend that continued in spades with Dragonspyre. But I’ve started along this road, no point in stopping now.
Speaking of Marleybone, Thomas the Friendly Necromancer put together a wonderful tribute to the bulldogs in blue who keep Marleybone safe while we wizards take care of all the hard stuff.
11 thoughts on “Wizard101: Straight outta Marleybone”
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Thanks for the NWA earworm! Argh!
Thanks for the tip about marking the Health floors, definitely a time-saver over running all the way down and back up!
What is this about?And what are you talking about?I’m so confused!:(
Wizard101 is a multiplayer game where you take on the role of an apprentice wizard called upon to rid first the wizard school you attend and then all the worlds in the mystical Spiral from the clutches of the evil Malistaire.
Oh,I know that,but thanks anyway:)I was talking about the title:straight outta marlybone.What does it mean? And again,thanks,your a real help:)
Straight outta Marleybone is the title of the entry because the entry talks about the final battle of Marleybone (Big Ben) and after you complete this you can continue onto the next world – MooShu. So basically, Tipa just began MooShu and is “Straight outta Marleybone”. Get it?
It’s just a pun on the song Straight Outta Compton
@Potroast — that, too!
Thanks for making it more clear!I get it now.I just recently cleared Big Ben so now I know:)
An orc I knew went by the tagline Straight Outta Durotar! which I always appreciated
Hey i just have to say this for the two girls KEEP FIGHTING!