Wow, it’s been a week since I posted? Really?
It’s been a REALLY BUSY week, though. And having to leave really early in the morning for the bus and come back really late because of the bus isn’t helping — but I DO get to read every morning and night. I’m reading Mark Twain’s “Innocents Abroad”, his journey through Europe, Asia and the Holy Land while in exile. I’m really mining that Google Book partnership with Sony’s eBook reader.
And, well, EVE has been grabbing more and more time. I have a good corp, friends with another corp that lets us tag along on some of their nullsec ops, just started into the business side of things which means a lot of time with the market interface and OpenOffice spreadsheet, and also dragging a hauler from star system to star system picking up my buy orders.
Oh yeah, speaking of nullsec ops, last night was Ratting in Providence.
You know, going from belt to belt, killing NPC battleships, collecting salvage and bounties and moving on. Safe, happy fun, right?
So then we warp into a corp on a ice mining op, we move on. Unfortunately, Mister Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx was stuck having to wash out his underwear when we warped in, and he had some words about it.
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx > you neutrals are in violation of provadence rules concerning neutral operation in our space
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx > withdraw immedatly
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx > or we will consider this a hostile act
sredans > how so
Cassric > Who Xxxxxx?
sredans > didn’t target none of you
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx > your jeprodising our poperations
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx > this is your last warning
Tipa Pinneau > we?
Tipa Pinneau > we’re ratting
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx >
Trina Forrest > yes, neut fleet landing on a mining oporation, dont warp to any ice belts
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx > neutral/visitor conduct rule number 3
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx > if -7- are undergoing operations and you are in a position to compromise. you will be required to move. refusal to do so will result in loss of your ship
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx > you were warned your fate is now your own
So in that space of a couple of minutes he had pretty much called down the Wrath of Sev3rance on us — and we were already long gone.
The guy later admitted that we hadn’t actually broken any rules — we did, after all, leave — but I was expecting a swarm of capital ships to warp in and kill us all after that.
So OtakuDyne is looking into ways of moving into 0.0 space with tiny steps, but I’m not really sure trying for the pseudo-highsec angst of a Providence alliance is worth the effort.
To become a citizen of Providence — without joining one of the corps operating there, which gives you a free ride — you must join the unofficial Providence defense force. Which is to say, you have to join the various public channels, glean news about hostile players from the chatter (without the better intelligence from the alliance intel channels), and then go kill them.
After a few months of that, you can apply to be allowed to join the CVA and Sev3rance intel channels, if you’ve made a good name for yourself. You may at this point be put on the “non-KOS” lists of the local alliances.
This gives you permission to go batshit crazy when someone who doesn’t have access to those channels unknowingly warps in on you. I guess.
Anyway. Today Hull Upgrades V FINALLY finishes training, and I can fit out my battleship with its active armor tank. I’ve had BUY orders out for all its gear for awhile, and Red gave me a blueprint for the rigs I needed, so I installed those yesterday in my secret base in Auvergne. Only battleship stuff goes there.
So tonight, I fly it for the first time on a shake-out mission. I hope it doesn’t blow up.
12 thoughts on “EVE Online: Not dead yet”
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Sounds like Sev3rance’s trying to have their cake and eat it too. Providence generally works with the NRDS (Not Red, Don’t Shoot) rules of engagement, but they also want the security provided by NBSI (Not Blue Shoot It) to get rid of any neutrals that may or may not be scouting for an enemy.
Very interested to hear that you’re reading Mark Twain on an e-book reader. I’ve not actually known anyone before who will sit and read a lengthy story on a digital interface.
How do you find it? Do you prefer it to paper? Do you think it will replace print eventually?
I got a pumpkin hat in WoW last night. … Man. Your night was way more fun sounding.
That’s not the first time I’ve heard about a somewhat heated situation in -7- space. They do seem to be a bit allergic, especially when it comes to ice belts. I’d suggest you simply choose a different part of Providence for your ops. There are less contested areas in CVA space, especially in the northeast (referring to Ombey Maps). Or you could check out PXF or LFA space, though you’ll find more hostiles from U’K and AAA there.
A week!… Tipa I’ve been bored with nothing to read from you
GL on the mission!
Hehe, sounds like a lot of fun! Amen on the reading, gosh I am jealous I haven’t read in an embarrassingly long time (I read some Asimov about 3 months ago) and I have recently felt the urge to get back into it.
As always your an inspiration Tipa… tho please stop inspiring me to go back to EvE, I can only handle too many MMOs! Haha.
Is that the Twaine where he goes to Bavaria? I got bogged down in all the detail on dueling rituals, if it is, and never got any further. I must dig my copy out (a battered pocket hardback edition about a century old, rather than a nice, clean eBook) and carry on from where I left off.
Well, he hasn’t gone to Bavaria *yet* anyway. So far, it’s been Italy, Greece, Russia, Persia, Syria, Lebanon and is currently in Palestine.
I just checked Wikipedia, and it looks like he wrote this book before (well before) he went into exile, in fact before he got married and moved to Connecticut. It is based on newspaper columns he wrote while traveling.
Ah, good old Providence. Used to fight CVA down there, back in the day. PXF too, before they claimed space of their own. Good time, even though I don’t miss the region at all.
The kindle or the sony are not “elecronic screens” the way your phone or tv is. There is no refresh, so it is not tiring to look at over time. Plus your eyes blink normally when reading it, unlike staring at electronically refreshed screens. Instead they use “e -ink” or “magnetic ink”, basically the ink in the screen is aligned by magnetic force, which is adjusted when you turn the page. So while displaying a screen neither device consumes any power to display it.
Think of it like the old Etch-A-Sketch. It uses power (your fingers) to create an image also using magnetic ink, but then it uses no power to keep the image there, and it doesn’t hurt your eyes looking at it over long periods.
Once I got a Kindle I will never go back to books. It is so much more convenient, I read more now than even before, because as soon as I finish one in under a minute I have another book. What will really be great is when publishers realize they have huge catalogues of books still not in the public domain but too expensive to print. Scanning these in and selling them will be a huge market, and a great boon to researchers.
I know some people that lament the coming end of used book stores, but I think having access to more books than ever before is a good thing, instead of having them locked up in stores. Books should be read not hidden away. Those stores that focus on keeping them in great condition will still do well, but they will probably focus on collectors even more. Those of us that want to find an old book just to read it will be able to.
I made this comment on the wrong post.
oh no this was right.