Just what it says on the tin. A video of me running through the seven new school-specific houses. Enjoy (Looks best in HD).
The winged Guardian robed I’m wearing there come from the Crowns store. Almost everyone bought some with the free Test-realm Crowns. I met a wizard in one of the homes who had a similar winged outfit, but it was subtly different. I checked out her character, and she had the real deal — the high-end dueling robes you get only by winning many, many duels. I felt kinda sorry for her. When this expansion goes live, very few people will be able to appreciate her accomplishment.
6 thoughts on “Wizard101: A Video Tour of the New School Houses”
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Lovely video!
Perhaps they should just say that such items will be unique to those who earn them until X time, and possibly after that. Rather than leaving any impression the only way to get the item is to duel alot, etc?
Maybe, but there should also be something uniquely theirs. Great accomplishments should be rewarded.
How does one get these awesome houses?
They are sold in the Crowns store. 10,000 Crowns or 90,000 gold, your choice You can only have three homes at once, I found out.
Wow! this is the best video i have ever seen. Best w101 vid. too!