Wizard101 is having a CAPTION CONTEST! Wizard101’s lighthearted Abracadoodle web comic is turning over the writing duties to YOU! I guess the regular writer is off enjoying the holidays, or something, leaving the artist to slave over his easel, drawing a comic while everyone else is away, but without a CLUE as to what the characters are saying.
That’s where WE come in. We’re gonna make the writer rue the day he or she decided to unlock the shackles that bound them to the computer and visit family by coming up with lines of our OWN.
I’m sure you can do better than mine
Find the full details on the contest page at https://www.wizard101.com/game/community/contests/comiccaption — and good luck!
Read more Abracadoodle at https://www.wizard101.com/game/comic!
1 thought on “Wizard101’s Abracadoodle is at your mercy!”
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hehehe thats funny.