“Syp” pulls out the big guns? I’m ready.

Okay, I think this has gotten a bit out of hand. This is MY blog, and I DO moderate the comments. Syp, if you and your minions insist upon spamming my blog with your negative comments, I’m just going to delete them. West Karana is a safe, supportive site for people who love MMO games and the people who play them — not some sort of weird gathering place for people who are only allowed to think as you do.
I should be writing frothy, light articles about how my characters are doing in whatever game it is I’m playing THIS week that somehow has become the best game EVER until NEXT week when it’s something else. That’s my job here.
Well, I am putting my foot down. I don’t like having to do this, but I am afraid I am going to have start a campaign of defamation on Twitter against Syp. It’s not something I WANT to do, it’s something that Syp has FORCED me to do.
To all my reader: I’m sorry you had to see all this. Blogging is a dark, deep mire of sorrow. We all try to cover it up, but sometimes the shroud is drawn back to expose the yellow, bloated underbelly that is Biobreak.
I mean, that is MMO BLOGGING. I totally didn’t mean Biobreak. I don’t stoop to Syp’s level.

11 thoughts on ““Syp” pulls out the big guns? I’m ready.”

  1. Don’t forget how racist Syp is! That man is always making ignorant remarks about Elves and its disgusting that he can make such generalizations about someones race! Go Tipa Go! Tear that jerk to shreds!

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