It took a lot of waiting around, but on this stardate, the Federation News Service (thanks, Ark, for the awesome name suggestion!) became the latest fleet to roam the space lanes, seeking out new adventures and stories and so on….
Now that we have a fleet, maybe it’s possible to get enough people to do the raidisodes?
If you’d like to become a part of the Federation News Service in Star Trek Online, hunt up one of the senior editors — @Caylinn, @BlueKae, @Tipa, @Vannikar, @khaaaaaaan!, @Aurangzeb or @camenecium — for an invite!
10 thoughts on “Star Trek Online: This is your Federation News Service”
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I gotta get to Admiral first, but I would like to at least see then end-game content.
Looking forward to meet the team.

Kae looks a bit like a mix of Mr. Fantastic and Mystique. Never noticed that he has such long legs except on this screenshot!
So many pretty female tac officers! I am in love! I just need them on my bridge. The man with the black head next to Tipa also looks quite awesome. I fear one of them will have to change his/her career for an engineering position. A am running out of officer slots!
Seemed like we had a lot of tactical and science officers. I wonder how representative that is of the game, does Starfleet have and engineering shortage?
@Longasc – Actually I did extend the legs and fingers on the Kaes just a little bit. I wanted them to be a little more alien than just standard humanoid. And thank god you didn’t say Na- eh whatever the blue aliens from Avatar are.
I’d bet there are a shortage of engineers. Tactical and Science seem to get cooler skills and are more appealing from a noobs perspective.
Ive actually been looking for a fleet myself, currently im an engineering grade 6 captain, looks like this fleet could use some engi love:P
I am @wonderwyrm
Ooh, that’s a good screen shot you managed to get. I guess you caught me during those few seconds I was having a seat on the floor of your bridge.
I had a few screenshots, but I liked that one best for the unique pose