What wonders does the in box of mystery hold for us today?
Cryptic announces veteran rewards for players who keep an active subscription to Star Trek Online. Saith Cryptic: “Skill point bonuses, titles, costume pieces, character slots… Veterans will be rewarded every 100 days! Rewards will be retroactive, too!” Nice of them!
They’ve also announced a “Come back to STO” weekend and a “Recruit a Friend” program; all these kick off May 7.
*I* don’t think it’s too early for a “Come back to STO” free weekend, do you?
Funcom’s new expansion to their Age of Conan MMO, “Rise of the Godslayer“, kicks off a week from Tuesday, and if you pre-order, you’ll get an exclusive battle pet. “‘Pre-order today and receive the Loyal Kappa, a unique in-game pet that will aid you on the battlefield already from level 20.”
Clumsy language aside, Age of Conan has a history on relying upon pre-orders as an important source of income. If I remember right, AoC almost paid for the cost of its development with pre-orders and launch day box sales.
From now until a week from Tuesday, if you buy at least 5,000 of Wizard101‘s cash shop currency, Crowns, you can be the owner of a super-rare Lightning Bat pet. This pet drops from Wavebringer in Shatataki Temple, but few have ever seen one tamed. Now you can buy one!
Spacetime Studios has announced their new 1.1 patch to their mobile MMO Pocket Legends which adds new dungeons, item trading, shared banks, armor and so on. I just made level 20 in PL last night, so I’m kinda pumped about all these new toys
CCP has a new tease page for their upcoming Tyrannis expansion for EVE Online. Aside from the planet mining, they will be releasing a new web-based way to interact within EVE Online — EVE Gate, now available for testing. You’ll be able to chat with players in game, manage your contacts and so on. It doesn’t appear to allow you to actually buy/sell in the Marketplace or start production jobs, but it’s a start.
LotRO is having another free weekend — THIS weekend — as they kick off their 3rd anniversary celebration. Patch up the client and say hello to your old characters; I know I will!
Yesterday through tomorrow, Aeria Games is holding a 2x/3x No Death Penalty leveling bonanza to celebrate the launch of their latest expansion to Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine — Nocturne. If you think you have what it takes to be a demon hunter in a post-apocalyptic world, now’s your chance to grind some of those levels out.
And…. that’s about it for this week’s edition of Assault on the Inbox!
2 thoughts on “Assault on the Inbox: Weekly marketing e-mails”
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The STO 100 day / subscription rewards are similar to the veteran rewards that City of Heroes hands out for subscription time, right? Doesn’t EQ2 do something similar as well?
It’s a nice perk for loyal subscribers, but I can’t see the rewards ever being something that would tempt me back for an extra month just to unlock one. If the reward was that good, it would
probably be too game-breaking or overpowered to be a freebie handed to everyone.
I saw that STO email this morning as well. The veteran rewards will be nice, hopefully Cryptic is going to institute a similar program for Champions. I’m sure there’ll be some forum drama about a free weekend, but it just makes sense to have one anytime there’s a large update to the game.