Oh, this isn’t a real post. Just was so happy to finally get a horse in Lord of the Rings Online. I don’t subscribe to LotRO, but each time Turbine offers a free play weekend — or week, in this case — I log in and see if I can make enough to get a horse.
I was going to be riding last night. I WANTED the Spring Festival horse, but after doing a couple of the “spring leaf” events, I got bored and gave up on that project. I’d settle for the regular mount, if I could afford it.
I had auctioned off most of my 37 Captain’s harvests and other gear a couple days ago; last night I did the same to my two alts. I ended up with 4 gold and 100 silver — an all-time high. The riding quest was tedious — ride a horse to Bree, Michel Delving and North Downs, ending with a race around the yard.
It was worth it in the end. I’m now the proud owner of Brown Betty, my chestnut mare.
So; not a real post. Tonight is a non-MMO night, so tonight I will be (I hope!) starting my series of five IP’s that SHOULD be made into MMOs. Tonight: #5: Gunsmoke, the MMO.
4 thoughts on “LotRO: Save a horse, ride a hobbit!”
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Level up some more and then explore the lowbie areas again on horseback – I am sure you will find amazing stuff you did not explore yet. At least I always do, despite always trying to explore every area map completely.
Indeed, congratulations! To us both, actually, since it seems we both finished the horse quest yesterday.
Very nice screenshot. You look quite dashing upon your mare!
Gratz on the horsie! Very interesting way to play LoTRO lol.