Assault on the Inbox: May 7, 2010

MMO devs fire broadside press releases at my inbox, and I inflict them on others. We’ll suffer together or not at all.
Actually, let’s start off with a non-MMO offer. The Humble Indie Bundle from Wolfire Games collects five acclaimed Indie games (including the addictive building game World of Goo, underwater fantasy Aquaria, innovative platformer Gish, rabbit beat’m’up Lugaru, and horror adventure game Penumbra Overture. Until Monday, you can get all of these games AND donate to Electronic Freedom Foundation AND Child’s Play … at any price you want, divided between charities and the developers any way you want. This is a can’t lose deal — I was up till 2AM last night playing World of Goo… on my Linux box.
Oh, yeah. Every one of these games works fine on your Windows PC, your Mac, or your Linux box. No DRM, you can install these games on every computer you own. (Unfortunately, not the iPad). So go to the site, pay a buck or fifty, get these great games.

If you’re tired of always having to seek out monsters for XP in Atlus’ Neo*Steam, relax! With the opening of their new Guild Magnusseum, the monsters will come to you. Take your high level characters and their friends and see how long you can last. Increased experience and unique weapon rewards await. Atlus has also added a new dragon mount for the kids, and are giving away another pair of steampunk goggles, so get in game and check it out. They have a calendar of all their in-game events. It’d be cool if more companies did the same.
Sony stats their full-court press to publicize their new Move controllers, super Wii-motes that will revolutionize gaming in much exactly the same way Nintendo did with the Wii. Some of the videos I’ve seen look impressive, but there are none of those videos here. This e-mail ends up being nothing but a tease that will likely only draw more comparisons to the cheaper Wii.
Dungeons & Dragons Online is having a sale on their 32 point builds, extra inventory space Veteran Status and more. If you’ve been waiting for a sale to snap up items in the DDO store, now’s your chance. Still waiting for Drow to go on sale….

JoltOnline, they of Legends of Zork and Playboy Manager fame, are moving into the Facebook gaming arena with their satirical take on Farmville, Farm Villain. You can do such family-friendly things as run a meth lab on your farm, discover dead hookers buried beneath the fields, spread mad cow disease and other hilarious hijinks. Head to Facebook to start distributing radioactive corn to your neighbor’s pigs today!
Runes of Magic announces their Patch 3.0.0 which raises the level cap to 60, adds a new adventure zone and a “Whack the CM!” event which will probably be over before you read this. Lots of new stuff, yadayadayada, full details here. Double diamonds in their cash store, so that infamous $10 mount is now only $5. Because paying more than $5 for a virtual horse is madness.
It’s Welcome Back Weekend time in Star Trek Online! If you’re an ex-subscriber and want to see if STO has earned your return, log in and check it out. They also are now offering a new free trial, and if you’re interested in subbing after that, see Longasc. He’s trying to earn Riker’s three-nacelle’d Enterprise by getting five folks to sub.
EVE Online has more information on their upcoming Tyrannis expansion, due on the 18th. Sure, they tell you all the facts about planet mining and so on, but they also include this trailer. Watch it. Would I watch a full length EVE movie? You bet. In 3D. I would SO BE THERE.

EQ2’s Halas Reborn patch is due out on the 25th; log in around then and you get a free supercute kitten pet. It’s an entirely new starter area, so this is really the best time to get in on the ground floor — it’s the one newbie zone in the entire game guaranteed to be full of people!
Wizard101’s May Newsletter is up (and has been for some time, I’m just lazy). It discusses the new advanced pet training (now on Test), some extra-curricular reading for fantasy-loving kids, and helpful tips on staying safe online.
Guess that’s it for this week! See ya next week for another Assault on the Inbox.

3 thoughts on “Assault on the Inbox: May 7, 2010”

  1. Wow, the EVE expansion looks exciting . . . to watch. Seems a bit impenetrable to newbs, like I would be if I started now.

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