Just received the following from SOE:
Important Information regarding your EverQuest account
Greetings, EverQuest adventurer!
In order to maintain a high level of gameplay across the EverQuest universe, on June 22, 2010, EQ will begin consolidating the following servers. These merges are scheduled to occur between June 22nd and July 6th, 2010.
- Stromm + Luclin = Stromm-Luclin
- Drina + Maelin Starpyre = Maelin Starpyre-Drinal
- Xegony + Druzzil Ro = Druzzil Ro-Xegony
- The Tribunal + Bristlebane = Bristlebane-The Tribunal
- Saryrn + Bertoxxulous = Bertoxxulous-Saryrn
- The Seventh Hammer + Tunare = Tunare-The Seventh Hammer
- Prexus + The Rathe = Prexus-The Rathe
- Quellious + Povar = Quellious-Povar
- Erollisi Marr + The Nameless = The Nameless-Erollisi Marr
Become a part of EverQuest’s future! We’ll be launching a new server in the coming months and Zatozia will be looking for your input into what it should be named. Keep checking http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/ to find out how to choose your favorite.
To help make this tranition as smooth as possible, we will be offering one free server transfer to all affected characters for seven days after your character is moved to the new server as a result of the server merge. Please see below for additional details. We will also be offering reduced rates on several customer service items in the in-game Marketplace between June 22nd and July 26th, 2010.
Character transfer tokens are subject to usage rules available in the Marketplace description.
We hope that these changes will provide players with an even more enjoyable EQ experience.
There’s more, but the e-mail text was a single monolithic image, and this is as much of it as I want to retype. Short summary: Most of the normal rules servers are getting a merge, you will have an option to transfer your character to any other server once the merge happens. Earlier created characters get first priority to keep the name.
Back when SOE was last deciding on new servers, there was talk about making a new progression server with changes based on feedback from their last couple. We might be seeing that now. I guess we’ll see.
Many, if not most, of the progression server fans have left. The status quo players remain. This is why the level 50 server beat progression in the last vote. And don’t get us started on classic!
I’ve get several active accounts and have yet to be “notified”. I suppose my ego should be bruised but I’m way too excited at the idea of server merges!
Egat just likes to be merged :p /hides