The contest is over! Professor Drake is NOT a fair person, and in fact, had constructed his puzzle such that only his favorite student, Bailey, could win. No amount of cheating by Daniel, who was stuck outside the classroom; or Cedric, staring at a wall, could help them with the colors of their own hats. Abigail simply didn’t have enough information to make more than a random guess at the color of her own hat.
Shane Kelly had the complete solution:
“BLUE!”, shouts Bailey.
Professor Drake sneers. “There is no way you could know that so fast. How can you be sure?”
Bailey responds “It’s easy! Abigail, behind me, was silent. She would have immediatly yelled out the color she didn’t see as 2 are blue and 2 are yellow. It is because of her silence that I know she sees two different colored hats. Since Cedric’s hat is yellow, I know mine must be blue!”
“Fine”, says Professor Drake. “You get an A… MINUS.”
The other winners are:
- B Tipton
- Christopher Wong
- Joe Corilla
- Macaroni Man
- Jennifer Eberta
- Obsidian Eye
- Crye
Congrats to all the winners! Codes will be sent immediately.
My question, why isn’t my name up there, I guessed that and sent you an email.
Sulks in corner.
It’s okay I guess I mean I already won one but I want cred.
There were 87 correct entries
I only posted the names of the ones that randomly won the pet.
Yeah-yuh! It would be more awesomer if you couldn’t just buy it in the crown shop, but it’ll still be my default pet to show off

I said the correct answer but didn’t get the pet
It’s bad
Hi, kinda off topic, but, what do you think about the pet update?
Abigail could figure it out too: She also knew that she didn’t know (if you follow me)