EVE Online: To Avenge, This Is the Pact

I’m not really going to swear vengeance on the corp that hunted us down, took our starbase and then — magnanimously — retracted the wardec once they’d gotten what they wanted from us. I was choosing from among the ships left to Etha, and this frigate looked just like the sort of thing that would sneak up on someone, decloak, go into a mad speed-tanked frenzy, leave them smoldering wreckage and warp away into the shadows….
I just LOVE Amarr ships.
I logged off for work a little before EVE’s daily downtime. The base was taking a battering from a battlecruiser (an Astarte, I believe) slinging torpedoes. Defenders were harrying the attackers but were not able to make much headway. The half dozen guns were having no effect.
When I got home, the folks on the corp channel said that today’s downtime was only 10 minutes vs the usual hour, and the attackers were first in, came with substantial force and tore the place apart. Defenders were trying to rep (oops, EVE slang — repair) the station but it never had a chance.
How did it happen?
Otakudyne is a very small corp with maybe one or two active members. We are not part of an alliance. We were low hanging fruit — and because we are a highsec corp, we thought we were safe.
This is EVE. You are NEVER safe. We sat and watched a rival corp take down our highsec POS. A lot of people came out and helped, but they couldn’t do a lot because, not being in the same corp, they could not attack the attackers without rousing CONCORD.
That said, a LOT of people came out and helped however they could; they lost ships and they fought the good fight. Otakudyne will limp on.
These past two days have shown me just how much I miss EVE. And why I left Otakudyne. It was when we were all doing exploration and mining ops and wormhole stuff and missions together that it was fun. When it was just me logging in alone night after night, the fun drained away and I started doing stupid things, like somehow believing that I was temperamentally suited for nullsec.
Coming together with a lot of people to defend the POS — THAT was fun. I totally didn’t mind losing the ships, because we were, after all, fighting the good fight.
(Lyrics in the bumper screenie from Blue Oyster Cult’s “Vengeance (the Pact)” which you may listen to here.)

6 thoughts on “EVE Online: To Avenge, This Is the Pact”

  1. Mostly, I’d like to get back to my invention/arbitrage business, hitting the occasional plex. I LIKE playing with spreadsheets and tracking market movement!

  2. I also love Amarr ships! The Punisher looks incredibly sexy. I so love the Retribution Assault Frigate, but has it still has only one mid slot? That was crippling for pvp! 🙁

  3. I also love Amarr ships! The Punisher looks incredibly sexy. I so love the Retribution Assault Frigate, but has it still has only one mid slot? That was crippling for pvp! 🙁

  4. Wow Tipa, I read your post yesterday and I was fully expecting to read a “This is too tough I quit” post today. Instead I read a post full of EVE love and am struck in admiration at your steadfastness even in defeat. You are made of stern stuff Tipa.

    • Hey, you come into a game with nothing and have nothing when you leave it. It’s not what you have sitting in your hangar, but what you have out in the dark.

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