My Dragon Age: origins replay has been sucking away all my free time. But, that’s done with, for now, so I just have to write about it.
Also, I changed the blog theme. Not 100% sure I like it, but I knew it was time to do something. You’ll notice (perhaps) that the XFire plug in has been replaced by a Raptr widget; I’ve moved to Raptr for reasons I’ll probably write about at some point.
9 thoughts on “Yes, I’m still alive!”
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Oh good, I was getting worried. I like the theme, it’s clean and modern looking. I liked Raptr right up until it told DGF I was playing STO. I haven’t logged on since.
I would like some more white in wordpress style. Become Tipa the White, don’t stay Tipa the Grey!
I decided to go with Steam over xfire or any others.
Whoa! New theme! EEEK change the sky is falling we’re all nerfed the sky the sky!!
Not too fussy — don’t like fussy themes.
Actually it’s very nice.
I like the new theme and am jealous of it.
I’m in Longasc’s camp, the grey has to go.
Butthat, is that your character name in DAO? Sorry, it made me laugh. I like the new theme, but I think it’s hard to resist the Tipa the White idea!
Grrr typos. It was like 3AM!
I really like the theme change! Like Rowan said, it’s a clean, modern look.
I switched from Xfire to Raptr this week also. Probably for the same reason you did.