Treasure Abyss: Where’s the Dragon?

Quick Edit: Namco Bandai just added “Adventurer’s Flags” to the Treasure Abyss cash shop. These allow you to plant a flag in the dungeon so you can return to that point later. Pretty handy for farming Dragon’s Nest, especially the first couple encounters on floor 8 which drop pretty much everything you need for the Giant Sword. Also, the slot machines are a lot faster, and candles now show how much candle power they will restore. Dungeons are markes “CONQUERED” on the map after you have cleared them.
Most Facebook games I just play until I understand them well enough to review them. I did play Frontierville a little longer than I absolutely had to because I wanted to help out friends, but I eventually managed the strength to block the application, ignore everything from that application, and just basically put it away. I went through my Facebook permissions — there were a LOT of apps I knew nothing about with permission to do everything they wanted with my info. I got rid of them all.
You have to be harsh.
Still have Treasure Abyss, though, and all the dozens of people who I’ve befriended just so I can have their characters for my party, and they can have mine for theirs.
Even with the new dungeon, Dragon’s Nest (warning: no dragons were harmed or even used in the making of this dungeon), the game is fairly short. The only real challenge is making the powerful new warrior weapons; they’ve added one, the Giant Sword (a big piece of steel with a giant’s fist still attached), and two previously revealed weapons that only now have become craftable, the Ice Brand and the Thunder Blade. (The wizard equivalents, the Ice Staff and the Thunder Rod, have also become possible to construct).
A little bit of a spoiler: the Ice Crest comes from the slot machine on the ninth floor. The Thunder Crest comes from the slot machine on the tenth floor. When I wrote my last post about TA, I hadn’t yet found them. So after a lot of farming, I’ve made the new weapons, and with the help of a couple neighbors, I snapped a picture of a four warrior party with the four most uber weapons currently available: the Ice Brand, the Thunder Blade, the Giant Sword and the Flametongue.
With the help of Noffin/Michael and a lot of candles, we have figured out that the Thunder Blade is the most powerful of them all.
Since anyone can change to any class at any time merely by equipping the appropriate weapon, it’s instructive to see what classes people choose. When the game launched, there was a good variety of wizards, thieves, warriors and monks. Then all the wizards vanished, and then the thieves, and then the monks. Everyone was a warrior! Now, today, a good third of my neighbors have become monks.
Why? Because after every battle, the game shows you how the DPS ranked up. Monks and warriors vie for first. Wizards and thieves are lucky if they even get one kill.
There was a brief blip in the number of thieves when Namco Bandai announced that thieves would increase the money rewards, but that tapered off because nobody likes seeing themselves at the bottom of the DPS chart, MVP to nobody.
Anyway, with the final dungeon conquered, all that’s left is the slow climb to 50…. but it’s still the best Facebook RPG I’ve played.

8 thoughts on “Treasure Abyss: Where’s the Dragon?”

  1. I have two questions about this game:
    1. Is all the money that you make strictly from fights? Because I’m trying to buy armor, and it’s not going fast at all. Can I, for example, sell unused or unwanted materials?
    2. None of my friends play this game. How well/far can a person solo the game?

    • Yes, all my money comes from adventuring. An earlier version of the game let you wander around in the dark and monsters still couldn’t hit you, so many players were able to earn enough to buy most everything they wanted. There is no way to sell stuff as far as I know.
      The fourth dungeon is a good place for both xp and gold as long as you can survive there.
      You can solo, but you will take more damage as fights last longer. If you need more friends, you can friend me or go to the wall page for TA and pick up as many friends as you need there.
      I usually log out as a thief or a wizard so people can add some variety to their warrior/monk parties. When I play, I play ad a warrior, just like everyone else.

  2. Because I already have Flame Tongue, would you advocate against upgrading to the Giant’s Sword? I have the Mats for it, but I could send them to my son so he could have the Giant’s Sword instead.
    Also I ran into a Dragon in one of the encounters in the bottom of the Dragon’s Nest. There were two hatchlings plus the Dragon. We didn’t survive 😛

    • Yeah I have fought that dragon. That AE he opens with is tough! I did manage to kill it enough to get the two dragon talons with which to make the dragon claw monk weapon.
      I really don’t think the Giant Sword is any sort of upgrade. I’d save the mats and make a Ice Brand (ice crests on ninth level) or a Thunder Blade (thunder crests on the tenth level, but you have to fight three dragons to get to the chest to have a chance at getting one — you need three!).
      I’m having decent luck with the Thunder Blade.

  3. I’ve picked up one Ice Brand but that’s it so far. I managed to kill the Dragon once, too, then lo, the very next group of Hatchlings had a Dragon with them, too. Defeating two Dragons in two consecutive fights? Nope, that didn’t happen 😛

  4. So is there any way to add a neighbor without friending someone on facebook? None of my facebook friends are interested, and I don’t want strangers having access to my facebook, soo . . . am I just stuck? You can’t do much as a naked warrior solo and unwilling to spend real money on healing potions.

    • You might want to give Lost Trails a shot. It’s a game similar in many ways, and your party can be drawn from friends who play, friends who don’t play, or NPC hirelings.

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