Treasure Abyss adds Samurai class, new dungeons

Namco Bandai‘s social RPG Treasure Abyss may have started off slowly, but the Japanese gaming giant has kept expanding the game, in some good and some not-so-good ways. Good stuff first.
Two new high level dungeons — The Catacombs (for players level 30 and up) and Tower of the Samurai (for players level 40 and up) — provide some challenge and the chance of new gear for high level groups. The Catacombs allow for the crafting of the Ifrit Staff for mages. The AE-casting weapon finally makes mages not only viable, but a necessity to any group. The Catacombs also introduced Great Swords for warriors, a weapon with incredible hate gain, and the Cursed Dagger for thieves, which does nothing, unfortunately, for their role in a group.
The Tower of the Samurai brought a new class — the Samurai, a warrior variant who sacrifices defense for damage and uses two handed weapons (the katana and the Butcher’s Cleaver) and an instant-kill ability to slay foes. The instant-kill ability doesn’t fire off nearly enough (once in maybe a dozen fights) to make a difference, and the samurai doesn’t come close to matching a monk’s damage. The class is considered a disappointment by most players.
Just introduced is a new dungeon for low level players. Battlefield Cave is a six floor dungeon for players level 15 and up. It is said to provide an alternate means to find the highly prized Lightning Crest, previously found only at the bottom of the high level Dragon’s Nest. Several of these crests are required to make the second-best warrior sword, the Thunder Blade.
Not all changes have been positive ones. Where previously it was possible for someone to farm lots of candles (required to move in dungeons) and potions and complete a dungeon without heading to the cash shop, the vast damage done by creatures in The Catacombs and the Tower of the Samurai requires multiple cash purchases to complete. And then to find that the rare crafting components only have a small chance to drop from a slot machine at the very bottom of the dungeon after fighting the toughest mobs.
This reached a peak in the Tower of the Samurai, a place so punishing that I couldn’t even spend enough money to finish it (yes, I bought items from the cash shop). After trying unsuccessfully several times to survive the seventh floor, I just gave up and farmed a slot machine on the sixth floor for the items to make the samurai weapons. I may never know what lurks beneath.
The new low level dungeon, Battlefield Cave, is not extremely deep but is very large nonetheless; each level will take full candlepower to fully explore. This continues Namco Bandai’s design to get people returning to the cash shop for more candles, health potions and return flags.
The game desperately needs a healer class. Some way to manage the fights in the high level dungeons without having to buy potions after each battle is absolutely required. Now that the death of the player character means a sudden end to the dungeon and all their progression, the game has become a lot less fun.

2 thoughts on “Treasure Abyss adds Samurai class, new dungeons”

  1. Hi!
    I am still new to the game
    I am wondering why a my pt member of lv 41 warrior die much faster than my thief friend?
    And also, is there any specialties to every class right now?
    what does every stats do?
    Monk has a lot of INT and I don’t know what that even do!
    I know mages still suck a lot without the AOE staff
    and lastly,
    is there any wikia for this game?
    I am having a problem with the knight sword and Venus sword right now, because they have the same attack

    • Warriors have the ability to draw attacks onto themselves. They sometimes do this a little too well. As for specialties; warriors specialize in defense, thieves give extra coin, monks do the most melee damage and mages do ranged damage. Stats go up as you level. Strength influences your attack, Vitality your health, Intelligence your magic damage, Agility the ability to avoid damage. Yeah, without the Ifrit staff, mages have no place in a group. I haven’t been able to find ANY information about the game online; I think there may be more information on a Japanese site, but I haven’t been able to find one. The Knight Sword is a good sword until you can make the Ice Brand or the Thunder Blade. There’s one dungeon, I think Dragon’s Nest, where you can farm all the bits to the Giant Sword without going too deep. Unfortunately, the Giant Sword isn’t a very good blade.
      Most of what anyone knows about how the game works is just guessing, I think.

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