I’d been playing around on EverQuest II this afternoon after spending the past few days fervently leveling to 48 on Rift. I was just about to explore Nektropos Castle on my flighty berserker when MMO Gamer Chick reminded me, via Twitter, about Rift’s Phase 2 event!
So I logged out of EQ2 and logged right into a queue on Rift. Half an hour later, I finally spawned in Meridian, ready to go do whatever it is one does on Phase 2 day. A system message helpfully informed me that the system was coming down in 25 minutes for a brief update to smooth things for the event.

By craftily listening to guild chat, I found that the Phase 2 event would be starting at Wyrmbane Spyre in Shymmersynds, a portal I had found on my own By Exploring even though sub fifties like myself have no business there. I did that event daily where you fight three shades in Meridian real quick and then headed over to join the party.
It was a crazy, carnival atmosphere there. I thought I looked absolutely dashing in my new tunic and glowy weapons, but I have no illusions I’ll be able to contribute to whatever is going to go down. I just want the adventure and, you know, the loot.

With people chatting and trading and showing off their gear and chatting about the event, there’s a real air of excitement on the edge of the dragonbone sea. In ten minutes I’ll be back in the queue and, perhaps, your faithful reporter embedded with a legion of hopeful heroes.
I’ve got a macro waiting, just for the event. It spams the NEED button on any loot window.
Phase 2 and 3 were underwhelming.
You said it.