New button over on the right to share posts on Google+. G+ is where all the real discussion happens these days — not just on this blog, most blogs. Soooooooo anyway testing the button.
10 thoughts on “Testing the +1 button”
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Come for the games, stay for the drama.
New button over on the right to share posts on Google+. G+ is where all the real discussion happens these days — not just on this blog, most blogs. Soooooooo anyway testing the button.
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Do people really use G+. I saw a huge influx of people go off and try it, but almost all have quit using it and moved back to facebook.
Most of the best gaming conversations happen now on Google+. I don’t think I ever had a conversation about gaming on Facebook. Mostly it’s just little blurbs or people tagging each other.
Google+ is the best outlet for conversation since the original Usenet in the 80s.
If you’re on Google+, let’s get in each other’s circles and I’ll tell all the usual crowd to circle you… you’ll see.
G+ is where it’s happening. The people looking for something like FB can stay on FB, it’s still there.
The thing with G+ though, is that it can be quite hard to find a good circle to discuss with, if you don’t already have a following (like what you probably have from blogging) at least i know that it’s pretty quiet on my wall
Discovery is certainly one of G+’s biggest problems, and one where Twitter and Facebook still have an advantage. About the only thing I can suggest is to start circling people who post publicly and circle the people who comment on their posts and comment on posts as well. I’d be glad to introduce anyone to my circles.
I second what Jacob said except that my “wall” isn’t quiet like the Western Front. More like the Eastern Front.
For some reason people comment much more on Google+. Some bloggers who rarely get more than 1-2 people comment on their blogposts were amazed about 30+ comment discussions and one even disabled comments on his blog and asked people to comment on Google+.
G+ has the possibility to redefine blogging. If it integrates with Blogger in the way we all want.
All Quiet on the Western Front. I see what you did there
Is G+ still an invite-only service?
@bhagpuss I believe it is still invite-only. but everyone has 150 invites, so if you want in, that can happen.
@Wilhelm Their name policy is bizarre and has to be changed.
All fine, unless you do not blog under your real name…
I wasn’t fishing but thank you, Tipa! That would be very welcome. I’d like to take a look since everyone seems to be either on G+ or talking about why they’re not on it.
I’m with Wilhelm (and Tobold) on the real name thing, but unless and until Google come round to my house and check my passport (and I wouldn’t put it past them) I’m not sure how they are going to know what “real” is.