Bulls Bridge

Today I visited the Bulls Bridge in Kent, CT. The bridge crosses over the Housatonic (HOOS-a-tonic) river onto a large island that splits the river in two for a ways; a more conventional bridge leads off it the other way. The Bulls Bridge is currently one of only two covered bridges in the state. When the Comstock Covered Bridge is rebuilt, there will be three again. Kent is in the beautiful Berkshires that extend north of here through western Massachusetts and up to Vermont, where they become the Green Mountains.

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Bulls Bridge

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6 thoughts on “Bulls Bridge”

  1. A few people over at ShutterCal have been going on and on about the 4s phone, making me incredibly jealous. I love my Olympus, but there's something to be said for not having to lug it around every time I want to take a picture. Unfortunately, my 3GS just doesn't cut it any more.

  2. No, the 3GS's crappy camera was the deciding factor in upgrading. The 4S even has an HDR mode built in. It's so good that most of the time I'm content to just use my phone instead of digging out the camera. This time of year, though, the sun never gets very high in the sky and every picture is going to have deep shadows. I need the Canon's RAW mode to bring out the details when I get home.

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