I didn't expect that a series about a ghost, a vampire and a werewolf living together in a Bristol flat would actually be a really compelling drama. I just had this idea it could only be a comedy. "Being Human" is a really great show.
Aaaaaand the home page contains a spoiler. Which I didn't know until I linked it.
Embedded Link
BBC – Being Human – Homepage of the official Being Human website from the BBC
The homepage of BBC Three's supernatural drama, Being Human
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I tried watching the American version on Syfy but couldn't really get into it… I heard that the British one is much, much better though. Might have to try and catch up on Netflix!
I agree +Andy Parcell I didn't really enjoy the American version.. maybe it was because I HATE IT when american tv tries to remake (exactly) the british version.. I mean come on .. and syfy markets as a original series..
I need to get the BBC version .. I think I'd like it more.. I've always liked the British versions better.. Steptoe and Son, Torchwood.. you know the good ones
I don't know anything about an American version, but the first three series of the UK original are on Netflix streaming.
I love the BBC version and if you like Being Human check out Bedlam on BBC as well… awesome series.
Does the American version go by the same name? I've noticed a Being Human series on Netflix, but skipped it because I assumed it was corny.
Yup it sure does go by the same name.. I dunno.. I just couldn't get into the American Version.. it is on Syfy .. currently coming into it;'s second season.. and yes.. Bedlam is awesome sauce.. I have a bunch on my tivo I need to watch…
I’ve watched both and have enjoyed both. But I’m fairly ‘easy’ on TV shows anyway.
Hadn’t heard of Bedlam; thanks for the tip!