STO: STF Walkthrough — Khitomer Accord (Space)

Khitomer Accord (Space)

It was pointed out to me at some length in an elite STF tonight — Infected — that while these STF walkthroughs are fine for the normal mode task forces, elite task forces take slightly different strategies. Those strategies would work in normal mode, too, but nobody bothers with them. In normal mode STFs, these walkthroughs work fine.
Khitomer Accord is the most complicated of the space task forces. The Borg are attempting to go back in time via the time portal and arrange the past and present more to their liking. Probes are going to warp in on the two gateways and head (slowly) to the time portal. If ten get through, the mission fails. If even ONE gets through, the optional objective fails. Every one of the gateways, generators and transformers must be destroyed within 15 minutes, or the optional is failed.
Once all those are destroyed, an assimilated Reman Scimitar — Donatra’s Scimitar — warps in. Once her ship is destroyed, the mission is won. The optional rewards and the mission rewards spawn above the time portal.
Let’s take this step by step.
Playbook for Khitomer Accord (Space)

There’s a tactical cube guarding the time portal at the start of the mission. Destroy that.
ONE SHIP needs to head over to the complex on the right. This is usually a tactical ship. This ship will destroy every probe and sphere that warps into that gateway. Those ships will head slowly toward the time portal once spawned. It is IMPORTANT that NO PROBE gets through. They don’t have much health, they die fast. Spheres will spawn occasionally as guards; they must be destroyed as well, but probes always die first.
Some groups leave a ship in front of the time portal to take care of probes from both sides, but in my opinion, this lets probes get too close to the portal.
When the lone right side guard isn’t killing stuff, it should be taking out the nanite generators around the transformers. It’s important to always be shooting something in this STF (in all of them, actually).
Everyone else goes to the left side. Another tactical ship could be dedicated to taking down the probes, but it’s no hardship for the team working on the generators and gateways to just take them out as they spawn. As long as someone does it.
The left and right complexes are copies of the complex from Infected, and die the same way. Kill the generators around one side, then the transformer, go to the other side and take down the matching generators and transformer, then the gateway.
Once the left gateway is killed, the RIGHT gateway will spawn a patrol of four probes and two spheres. Everyone should be headed there at full impulse to deal with the spawn, then take out the right complex as was done with the left. Spheres will continue to warp in to defend the complexes; it’s important to keep those in check, but it’s also important to get the gateways down before the optional timer expires.
Once everything is dead, Donatra’s ship warps in near zone in. She does considerable damage and also occasionally spawns tractor probes to keep you in place. Every so often she will cloak and move away. When she decloaks, she will charge up her thalaron weapon and fire it, doing massive damage to everything in a cone in front of her. There will be lines showing her firing arc; move out of it if you’re in it. Use evasive maneuvers if you need to. Best strategy is to keep generally behind the Scimitar as it is very weak from behind.
Once she’s dead (and there’s no timer at this point, take as long as you need), fly up above the time portal and grab your reward.
If you’re new to Khitomer Accord, just stay with the main group and you’ll do fine — if you see some probes and you’re in a position to shoot them, shoot them. If spheres are dogging you, pull them back to the group and get everyone shooting it. Don’t be flying 20km out trying to solo it; the STF needs your weapons on the mission objectives.
Khitomer Accord (Space) is actually easier than Infected (Space). Being responsible for the right side while the rest of the group is doing the left side is a real lift. But if someone flies up and tries to help, let them — head back to the main group.

6 thoughts on “STO: STF Walkthrough — Khitomer Accord (Space)”

    • Just keep your evasive maneuvers ready for her and if you draw aggro, fly out of range. I think there might be a trick to knowing where she’ll come out of cloak, not sure though. Most everyone just points their ship in a direction and keeps going in a straight line until she decloaks.

  1. Soon as she cloaks the Scimitar, I stop shooting the little drones since the other four players will kill them. I often switch to full engine power for more speed too, and I have my mouse on the Evasive Maneuvers button just in case she decloaks aiming in my general direction.
    A tip for that one is also to pay attention to who she has targeted. Whomever was targeted when she cloaked is who will be targeted when she decloaks so find that person and get away from them. =D
    If all else fails, if you have the Ablative Armor activate that and you’ll only take maybe 2,500 damage from the thalaron blast.

  2. Thanks for the walkthrough! My experience with these so far is that absolutely nobody talks, so you really need to know what you’re doing before you go in, especially if you want to have any hope of achieving the optional objectives.
    On my first playthrough of “The Cure” everybody went straight to the first complex, nobody stayed to guard the I.K.S. Kang. If I hadn’t read the walkthrough, I wouldn’t have known that needed to be done, but since I had read it I zipped back and spent my time intercepting borgified Klingon ships.
    Is there a “kick” option in this game? I’ve only done 4 STFs so far, yet in 2 of them one of the 5 players apparently went AFK for most of the battle. Amazingly that only cost us the bonus once 😛
    How much harder are the Elites?

    • Had TWO horrible STFs last night. I don’t really want to be the one that just says this is how things need to go, especially since I could be wrong, but people really need to be focused on getting stuff done. On KA I was taking care of the probes on one side and killing generators and spheres and probes just kept getting through on the other side. So I had to deal with THOSE, too. Meanwhile I don’t know what those guys were doing because those gates weren’t going down.
      Elite STFs have more Borg with more hull and shields. There’s a trick to doing Infected Elite where you take the generators on one side to 10%, then kill them all at once. This spawns a small fleet of nanite spheres, nanite probes and regular spheres, but everyone ignores those and focuses on the transformer. You have about ten seconds to kill that before the nanite spheres get in range.
      Do that, kill the spawns, go to the other side and do it again. Should take about five minutes to clear both sides and spawn the tac cube. And then you have all the time you could want to clear the gate and the cube for the win and the optional.

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