Well, here’s a code you won’t have to jump through hoops to use. If you redeem the code PirateGold at Pirate101.com, you’ll win up to 5000 gold. Up to — I got 3000, but hey, free gold. Can buy a couple new fittings for that ship you just got with that gold.
You can use the Wizard101 code WizardGold on Wizard101.com to get up to 5000 gold to use in Wizard101. So, it’s not guaranteed to get 5000 gold, but it’s free. You can use the codes once per account.
Log in and Play Grub Guardian on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod in November, and we’ll give you a free Wizard101 Ice Elf Pet in December. Log in and Play Grub Guardian on KIFreeGames.com in November, and we’ll give you a free Wizard101 Storm Beetle Pet in December.
I also saw the above notice on the Pirate101 website. I think the offer is probably good only for getting the Wizard101 pets on your Wizard101 character. If these are Wizard101 pets crossing over to Pirate101, well, that’s kinda cool right there.
Happy Thanksgiving if you were a USA type!