Was a huge night for Team Spode in #DCUO — the first night we had enough people on to do a couple operations and a raid without any pickup group members. Seeker Oeru (?), the rage tank on the left, joined us after leveling so very fast to join us. The others in the shot below are, continuing from the left, Stingheal, Lord Spode, Kaptain KY, Blighted Redeemer, TealLantern, Stingharm and Clever Clara, who is sporting a teal and white based color scheme as well
Since Seeker isn’t T6 quite yet, we decided to try and get some feats in the T4 operations and our old favorite, Sunstone Matrix, a T3 raid that we do in just a couple minutes for easy marks and a speed feat.
Blighted, our league scholar, has been watching all the feeds from SOE*Live. Simultaneously. On huge monitors in his lair. Because of course he is. He’s reporting some pretty cool stuff in the future — and maybe a way to “redeem” myself as the worst controller in the game.
With explosives.
But, we’ll see.