It’s a Wipe: Dragon’s Lair cleared by Crimson Eternity.

Dragon's Lair cleared by Crimson Eternity.

Draconic Berserker — Turns out your have to move everyone forward, then backward, then forward again, which confuses him, after which he dies easily.

Whelps — I tried and tried to figure out how to keep these things from respawning — killing the color groups individually, left to right, back to front, but eventually they just thinned out and stopped respawning.

Singe the Dragon — what your raid is wiping to in the intro to the game. Occasionally moves out of range of melee and summons two smaller drakes. I took them out and eventually Singe moved back into melee range.

The whole raid is pretty much just a gear check.

The hidden raid has been unlocked and is "The Undead Army".

One more raid until I can kick everyone out of the guild and have all the phat lewts for myself!
