Tanks for all the help…

Darna was a long time, well-respected member of Team Tanglewood. I loved her from the moment I first recruited her back at the Black Hound Inn in the Gilded Vale. I made her a monk, because I needed a tank, and I thought someone whose power operated from wounds would fit the bill.

I found out just now that there was an actual warrior waiting to be hired… but I guess I missed him. Anyway, Darna couldn't tank at all, her DPS was subpar, I (a rogue) ended up tanking far too often; even the ranger's pet made a better tank.

When we were called back to our stronghold to fight off some Leaden Key priests, I decided that was quite enough. We stopped by Dyrwood Village before we returned to the City of Defiance, picked up a Cipher (who replaced the chanter), and hired a dwarven fighter.

We'll see how she does. I've more than half a mind to retrace our steps and see if I can find that named fighter, though. I'll have to meet up with him eventually, anyway, to hear his story.

Dyrwood Village is a little above my level. A nest of feral druids outside town proved troublesome to take out. Finishing up the City of Defiance quests will probably level the party up enough to take them out, then continue on to the ogre that's been menacing the town.

Something tells me that that ogre won't be what I'm expecting… I half expect there to be no ogre at all. But, we'll see.


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