Since finishing Chocobo Mystery Dungeon, I’ve been sorta casually playing some Tomb Raider; Rise of the Tomb Raider, one of this month’s free Playstation Plus offerings. And it’s been no small amount of fun to be the badass Lara Croft, able to take on — and crush — entire Siberian prison camps with a couple sticks and a bit of string.
But the buzz surrounding today’s release of Ghost of Tsushima (a name I am training myself to pronounce correctly) was too much to ignore. Last night I left Lara at one of her innumerable base camps beneath the very noses of the enemy, and took up the katana and bushido of Jin Satai, last of the Tsushima samurai, off to avenge his honor against Hans Gruber* and the rest of the Mongol horde.
It’s been fun so far, but remembering all of the fighting and blocking moves is making me tense up. I’ve been okay so far, but then again I have barely started.
More later.
- okay, the Mongol leader’s name isn’t Hans Gruber, but I’ve already forgotten his name, so until I remember it, can we just go with Hans? Ghosts of Tsushima is basically Die Hard with a Katana so far anyway
“¿Quién es más macho?”
Now there is an SNL reference I haven’t heard anybody make in 20+ years.
Okay, I honestly didn’t expect anyone to pick up on that
I shoulda known better!
Ghost of Tsushima has been something that I wasn’t aware of until recently… and while it is something that I would really like to play… I won’t be able to play it unless it comes out for PC. Oh well…
Glad you’re enjoying it though! Looking forward to reading more about it!
I only found out about it last week! I don’t know how it flew so much under my radar. The story is great so far, and it really is focusing on the story.
I’m sure it will come to PC. I just wanted to be in the same spot I was in when I played Death Stranding — able to choose for myself how to think about the game before a bunch of people could tell me I was wrong. It’s worthwhile, sometimes, to see it for the first time. I love Kurosawa films, and it was the very idea of a “Kurosawa mode” that told me this is a game I could really enjoy.
So knowing almost nothing about it aside from an Ars review, I took the plunge. It’s going to be a fun few weeks