Wow. I’d hate to be in the shoes of UltrViolet of Endgame Viable, who has the unenviable task of asking the question:
What are you looking forward to the most over the course of the next year?
… because this year has been a dumpster fire. Not for gaming; the pandemic has been great for gaming, with people stuck inside all the time. But for everything else.
I’m ready for 2020 to be over. 2021 could be even worse. Although some people I know have had Covid, none of them has died. Everyone in my family was either able to work from home or were an essential employee, so we were able to keep our jobs. Tropical Storm Isaias cost us hundreds of dollars of food, but we were okay.

So next year, I am looking for life to return to normal. I want to get back to the gym. I want to start bicycling again. I want to go to movies again. I want to be able to not worry about politics again. I’d like the US to stop being a cesspool of disease and corruption. I’d like to stay healthy and for everyone in my family to stay healthy.
I know that I’m asking for a lot, and won’t get much of it, but it’s what I’m looking forward to. It’s either that or think that 2021 will be even worse, and I really couldn’t take that.
This has been a depressing writing prompt. I’m hoping tomorrow’s will be better.