Random Bits of Real Life #1

I’m not really sure how interested people will be, but I took some pictures and want to write about them and I have a blog and… well… here we go.

My sister sent me an empty envelope to show her support for the US Post Service, which our government is trying to kill, for some reason, ahead of the elections in November.

The envelope wasn’t actually as empty as I’d thought… it was full of glitter… that got all over my kalimba. I had to dump it all into the sink, and now it’s all over the sink and I can’t get it all in the trash. It just… sticks there…

I’ve been having a lot of trouble with my 3D printer lately. This is the sort of stuff that’s happening. I asked on Reddit, and they said the extruder was too close to the build plate. Yeah, thing is, it isn’t, not at first. The bed leveling knobs seem to change position and loosen as the print progresses, pushing the build plate into the extruder. I don’t know why it is happening, but I’m not going to be able to finish printing the tiles I need for next week’s Jaws of the Lion game unless I can figure it out.

It took a lot to get this build plate clean.

Sometimes clockwise cat comes by, sometimes counter-clockwise cat comes by. You never know which one you’re gonna get.

I have a reputation as a cyclist. I have three bicycles (well, two bicycles and one trike). Being stuck at home for six months should have been the perfect opportunity to get out there and put on some miles… and yet I can count the number of times I’ve been cycling since the start of the lockdown on one hand, maybe with a couple fingers of the second.

I really like cycling, though! I went on a short eight mile ride this morning to Bolton along the East Coast Greenway. It’s all uphill to Bolton, which is pretty terrible, but… it’s all downhill home. Strava says I made it over 30mph a couple of times on the way back. Yeah, felt good.

I like to get souvenirs for games I really enjoy. And I really loved Death Stranding. My boyfriend ordered this poseable figure of Death Stranding’s protagonist, Sam Porter Bridges, “The Great Deliverer”, from Japan for my birthday months ago, and it just now came. He’s adorable. He comes with three different hairstyles (including a hood) and a wide variety of stuff to carry.

The iconic Death Stranding picture is Sam carrying some ridiculous amount of stuff. I haven’t figured out how to get even more stuff on him, but the kit came with lots more cargo and I’ll figure out how to get every bit of it on him.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed.