Spoiler alert: They’re in China.
Last week, game developer Todd Walsh and publisher Mike Gnade held a live preview of their new game expansion, “Set a Watch: Swords of the Coin”. During the Q&A session afterward, they expanded on how difficult it is to print games with lower print runs or custom components in the US or the EU. So, everyone goes to China. But with world shipping in upheaval, getting the games from China… that’s an issue. Rock Manor Games had to do a Go Fund Me (it was some other fundraising site, but same diff) to raise money to get the games out of China.
So let’s find my Kickstarter games.
Starting off with a counter-example: Playing Cats advertises right on top — and in its video — that it’s made in the US. Their previous Kickstarter was going to be produced in Taiwan.

Zombie Life Insurance is delayed two weeks, possibly more as of last update. Well, that’s not too bad.

Somewhat concerned about the shipping, but they built in a buffer and they hope they won’t get further delayed.

On a boat at the moment. Things are looking good for the US. Books stuck in a port in Australia. UK and EU are on boats.

Slipped to December or January, depending on how you do the math. Was originally scheduled for July. I don’t think most of the delay was due to shipping, though. I don’t know if this is coming from China or Singapore.

The publisher just has too many irons in the fire. This is over a year late and still no date on when it will get here. I’ve stopped backing Japanime Games projects.

Game’s done, they just don’t know when or if they will be able to get it on a boat.

Their shipping costs have tripled. They are over a year late on this one. I was hoping for Christmas LAST year, then various birthdays. Christmas THIS year seems unlikely. Maybe next Christmas.

Concerned about shipping, but still committed to getting the game in our hands toward the start of 2022. Should just be a year late, though it’s unlikely related to shipping.

This is a year late (again, not entirely due to shipping issues). All the containers are now landed stateside, so we should be introducing this to Game Night pretty soon.

I have nfc what is up with this. I get lots of emails, but as far as I know, they still have not produced the video they promised by (checks) 2014. Probably unrelated to Chinese shipping, but I was going through my undelivered Kickstarters…

Ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Hahahahahahahaha. Okay, this also has nothing to do with Chinese shipping. But here I can assign disappointment a dollar value.
I’ll be sure to update if any of these games suddenly arrive on my doorstep.
I had no idea there was an RPG based on Tales From The loop. Having glanced at the website it seems to bear virtually no ressemblance to the deeply disturbing, adult TV show I watched. “You’ll play teenagers solving spectacular mysteries connected to the Loop – just make sure you’re home in time for dinner”. Seriously? That’s Scooby Doo the Stranger Things edition, not Tales From The loop!
The board game, which I’m guessing is the one you’re waiting for, sounds even less like the show – “Each day starts at school, but as soon as the bell rings you can use whatever time you have before dinner and homework to go exploring!! I’m starting to wonder if I’m misremembering the whole thing, which I remember as one of the bleakest, morally grey, fundementally grown-up shows I watched in 2020 or pretty much ever. I think I ought to watch it again. Maybe I made all that up and it was a fun romp with zany teens doing crazy stuff after all.
I loved the series, but I found it deeply disturbing in a lot of ways. This board game adaptation is more like “Goonies, but in an alternate 80s”. That was something I thought would be fun to get into. We’ll see if it’s fun or not — assuming I actually ever get it…