And they call DCUO an apolitical, fictional game. Also, Dimensional Ink to rebalance clamped stats to make super heroes (and super villains) super again.
In our reality, Washington D.C. is currently managed by the feds. The Hall of Justice is apparently in DC. Does that mean Superman and the Super Friends are de facto government employees? Batman is a G-man?
We’ll find out in Episode 42: The Legion of Doom, which adds a new open world area to the game. Washington DC joins Metropolis, Gotham, Central City, Atlantis, Thanagar, Themiscyra, the 31st Century and so on. It’s unknown if DC will be reused as often as the first three, or if it’s doomed to be a one off, like the others.
Lex Luthor has recovered from being a) killed in Birds of Prey, b) Psych! He’s back! c) … and now he’s lost control of the Source Energy and is gone again. He’s back from the Source Wall with villain Perpetua in tow, whose coming was foretold in the Hall of Legends plotline.

According to the update, we’re getting a duo, an alert, and a raid, so that’s pretty small. The classic episodes usually included a lot more raid content. Our last duo was in World of Flashpoint, so fairly recent, and the last solos were in Patchwork Themyscira. I always appreciated new soloes, but solos and duos have been coming fairly quickly, so I think we’re past that long drought where we had no new duos for a really long time.
Let’s make Omnibus Missions fun again.
I’ve been bugged for years as to how it is that Batman, Superman, The Flash and all them even need our help. Most of the time, I feel about as useful as Booster Gold on crowd control.

When Hall of Legends implemented the Omnibus missions that scaled you down to mere mortal levels of power when reliving old content, I understood. Supes & Friends were being clamped. They’d been nerfed so much that they couldn’t do even a hundredth of the things they could do before.
I knew that feeling. Old content was almost as hard as it was the first time through. Prior to Episode 42, it was possible to just go through old content, even elite content, for feats and investigations. After Episode 42, only the same leagues that could do current elite content could do old elite content. Shutting out us casual players entirely.
Here’s the roadmap to fixing the nerf (while still allowing upscaled supers to participate):
- Increase the scaling “target” Combat Rating to +15 from NPC level. If your CR is 344, and the level of the content is 100, currently you are given a CR of 110. This change raises that to 115. They say the difference is noticeable.
- Decrease the early end game buff for players being scaled down in On Duty content
- Increase the early end game buff for players being scaled down in On Duty content WHEN at least half of the group is being scaled up These two changes give a buff to downscaled characters when more than half the group is upscaled, and decreases that buff otherwise
- Increase damage for players being scaled up in On Duty content Upscaled characters can be super now
- Allow block to heal players being scaled up in On Duty content I didn’t know this was missing
- (Stretch) Investigate allowing full “stat piercing” to all players in elite versions of content (instead of stats diminishing)
- This means all of your effort into skill points, artifacts, etc. will fully apply in elites This is a stretch goal, but I do hope it makes it in. I was having fun doing old elite content prior to Episode 42, but now I cannot.
Other Stuff
Hall of Justice is coming in December, so we’ll have something to do instead of visiting relatives. (But we will, because we love them). The Blue Beetle set is coming in January, for those of us who really want a bug stuck to our spines. (I’m assuming it’s the modern Blue Beetle, anyway). A native PS5 client is coming, for those of you lucky enough to have one and who also aren’t tied to the PC version, as I am. Sure, I could restart on the PlayStation. Not gonna. If they allowed transfers, though, I’d do it.
So, there it is. Hall of Doom, fix for downscaling nerfs, and, I hope, the END TO SAVE THE UNIVERSE I WILL NEVER DO ONE AGAIN I HATES IT SO MUCH WHY WHY WHY. I might do one again. But dang it gets tedious.
Oh! I will definitely try the PS5 version! The current console versions look pretty bad, IMO. I think the PS4 version is really the PS3 version tweaked to run on PS4, tho I could be wrong.
Hoping PS5 version will get some graphic updates to bring it closer to, or in line with, the PC version. Which, let’s face it, isn’t cutting edge in terms of visuals, anyway.
Yeah, I expect it to look at least PC, and tbh, I don’t mind the PC version, but the PS version is definitely lo fi. I always play DCUO with controller anyway, and my league uses Discord for chat, so I never really need a keyboard anyway. I’d move over if I could when that comes out.