The 28th Amendment — a game about the USA Constitution

I asked OpenAI’s GPT-3 to generate 31 different videogame ideas, one for each day of Blaugust, each dealing in some way with that particular day of the month. Here’s its idea for August 28th: “The 28th Amendment”.

“The 28th Amendment” is a political simulation game in which the player is tasked with drafting and ratifying a new amendment to the United States Constitution. The player can choose from a variety of topics, including gun control, abortion, and same-sex marriage.

Alice and Betty are members of the debate club, debating whether or not it is appropriate to play a game about amending the Constitution. Alice is FOR the proposition, and Betty is arguing AGAINST it.

Betty: I don’t think it’s appropriate to play a game about amending the Constitution.

Alice: I think it’s a great way to learn about the process and to engage in some critical thinking about important issues.

Betty: But it’s just a game. It’s not real life.

Эта игра станет концом американского демократического эксперимента!

Alice: So? Games can be educational and thought-provoking. Besides, what’s the harm in playing a game? It’s not like we’re actually going to amend the Constitution.

Betty: I still don’t like it. It feels too much like playing with fire.

Alice: There are a lot of people who might find this game helpful in terms of learning about how the amendment process works. It’s a fun way to engage with the material, and it doesn’t hurt anyone. What’s the harm in playing it?

Betty: I worry that playing a game like this could desensitize people to the seriousness of amending the Constitution. It’s a very serious thing to do, and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. This game could make it seem like amending the Constitution is no big deal, when it really is.

Alice: I understand your concerns, Betty, but I don’t think they’re founded. This game isn’t going to make anyone think that amending the Constitution is no big deal. If anything, it will show people how difficult and complicated the process is. It’s not something that should be taken lightly, and I think this game will reinforce that.

Betty: Even if the game doesn’t make anyone think that amending the Constitution is no big deal, it could still have a desensitizing effect. People might see the game as a way to escape from reality, and they might not take it seriously enough. I think it’s important to remember how serious amending the Constitution is, and this game might make people forget that.

Alice: I don’t think the game will have a desensitizing effect, because it’s not realistic. It’s a game, and people will know that. They’ll know that it’s not the same as actually amending the Constitution. I think it will be educational and thought-provoking, without being harmful.

Betty: I’m not convinced. I still think there’s a danger in playing a game like this. It might make people less likely to take the amendment process seriously, and that could have consequences down the road.

Who is right?

Although the AI did come up with the topic for the game, and the title, and the entire debate, it was unable to separate playing the game from the actual process of amending the actual Constitution. So without having to write my own rules and prompt the AI through them, I opted to just leave this one here.