The Golden Years: 30 Something

I asked OpenAI’s GPT-3 to generate 31 different videogame ideas, one for each day of Blaugust, each dealing in some way with that particular day of the month. Here’s its idea for August 30th: “The Golden Years: 30 Something”.

Genre: Life simulation game. Title: “The Golden Years: 30 Something”. Outline: You play as a 30-something year old who is trying to balance work, life, and everything in between. The game features multiple different endings depending on the choices you make throughout the game.

The “Golden Years” of our thirties are a time when people are usually settled in their careers, have a strong social network, and are old enough to have wisdom but young enough to still enjoy life. It can be a time of great personal growth and achievement. The game features multiple different endings depending on the choices you make throughout the game, which mirrors the reality that our 30s are a time when our choices have a big impact on our lives.

The game also highlights the importance of balancing work, life, and everything in between, which is something that many people struggle with during their 30s.

The different paths in the game will impact the player’s journey by giving them different challenges to overcome and different rewards to gain. For example, one path might be more difficult but lead to a more successful career, while another path might be easier but lead to a more fulfilling personal life. It’s up to the player to decide which path they want to take.

Game Screen

Depending on the player’s choices, they will find themselves following one of these ten paths:

1. The career-focused path: In this path, the player will be focused on advancing their career. They will need to make choices that will help them get ahead at work, such as working late hours or networking with important people.

2. The family-focused path: In this path, the player will be focused on their family life. They will need to make choices that will help them balance their work and family life, such as spending time with their spouse or children.

3. The relationship-focused path: In this path, the player will be focused on their romantic relationships. They will need to make choices that will help them nurture their relationships, such as going on dates or spending time together.

4. The friendship-focused path: In this path, the player will be focused on their friendships. They will need to make choices that will help them maintain their friendships, such as spending time with friends or being a good listener.

5. The self-improvement-focused path: In this path, the player will be focused on improving themselves. They will need to make choices that will help them grow as a person, such as taking classes or reading self-help books.

6. The travel-focused path: In this path, the player will be focused on travel. They will need to make choices that will help them explore new places, such as planning trips or learning about different cultures.

7. The financial stability-focused path: In this path, the player will be focused on financial stability. They will need to make choices that will help them save money and stay out of debt, such as investing in stocks or cutting back on unnecessary expenses.

8. The health and fitness-focused path: In this path, the player will be focused on their health and fitness. They will need to make choices that will help them eat healthy and exercise regularly, such as cooking meals at home or going to the gym.

9. The creative outlet-focused path: In this path, the player will be focused on finding a creative outlet. They will need to make choices that will help them express themselves creatively, such as painting or writing.

10. The social life-focused path: In this path, the player will be focused on their social life. They will need to make choices that will help them meet new people and stay connected with friends, such as attending parties or joining clubs.

The game is played from a third-person perspective and the player controls their character through a point-and-click interface. The player can interact with their environment and other characters in order to make choices that will impact the story.

The game is non-linear, meaning that the player can choose which path to take and which choices to make in order to reach one of the multiple different endings. There are ten different paths that the player can choose from, each with their own unique stories and challenges. The player will need to balance work, life, and everything in between in order to succeed.

The game features multiple different endings, depending on the choices the player makes throughout the game. The player gets the best ending when they have managed to achieve a successful balance between work, life, and everything in between. They have made choices that have led to a fulfilling and successful life. The player has managed to achieve a good ending when they strike a balance between work, life, and everything in between. They have made choices that have led to a good life, even though it might not be as successful as they hoped. However, if the player has failed to achieve a balance between work, life, and everything in between, they may get the bad ending. They have made choices that have led to a stressful and unhappy life.