Crypto, Crypto, what will you do?

Song written by text-davinci-003 given the prompt of an article about FTX.

Verse 1

There once was a pup named Crypto
Who dreamed of the riches he’d know
He heard of the markets and FTX
Where fortunes could ebb and flow


Crypto, Crypto, what will you do?
Crypto, Crypto, you’re feeling so blue
You lost all your cash in FTX
And now you don’t have a home

Verse 2

Crypto found trading on Ethereum
Where fortunes could be made from the start
But the markets were wild and so were the swings
And Crypto was taken apart


Crypto, Crypto, what will you do?
Crypto, Crypto, you’re feeling so blue
You lost all your cash in FTX
And now you don’t have a home

Verse 3

Crypto thought he’d try DogeCoin too
Where kitties and memes could be found
But the market was shifting too quickly for him
And his wallet was quickly unwound


Crypto, Crypto, what will you do?
Crypto, Crypto, you’re feeling so blue
You lost all your cash in FTX
And now you don’t have a home

Verse 4

Crypto was back in the same spot
Without a home or a dime
But a glimmer of hope in the horizon
For a pup that was so inclined


Crypto, Crypto, what will you do?
Crypto, Crypto, you’re feeling so blue
You lost all your cash in FTX
But you still have your dreams and that’s true

But wait, there’s more! I asked text-davinci-003 to do it as an epic poem in the style of Lord Byron:

Once upon a time, a magical pup named Crypto
Dreamed of getting rich with crypto investments
He gathered all his kibble and invested it in the night
To make his dreams of riches come alive

He watched the prices rise and his kibble double
Dreaming of all the riches that he could trouble
He thought his crypto riches were here to stay
But little did he know of the coming fall

The prices started to dip and Crypto started to quiver
His dreams of riches were threatened forever
As Bitcoin and Ethereum and even DogeCoin prices fell
Crypto’s kibble that was once double was now gone

Then FTX, the final loss of Crypto’s money
He thought he’d never see his kibble again honey
But Crypto is smart, he knew he had to try
He invested in NFTs as a way to get by

He made art with his muddy paws and sold them to all his friends
Soon they were buying his NFTs and the money never ends
He bought an NFT of a mutant ape, he thought it was quite cool
But little did Crypto know of the danger to come

The mutant ape seemed to talk to him, warning him of NFTs
Crypto ignored it, he was too deep in the debt
He got celebrities to hawk his puppy NFTs, to increase the price
But Crypto’s dream of riches soon quickly died

A scammer came and stole all his muddy paw NFTs
Even the mutant ape, Crypto’s favorite pet
Crypto was so mad, he wanted to revenge
But it was too late, his money was gone again

Crypto was so sad, he thought he’d never recoup
But then he saw a new crypto scam and thought he’d give it a hup
But Crypto was wise, he knew he had to think twice
He decided to stay away and stayed away from the lies