To G’raha, whom I shall never, ever, see again

My Dearest G’raha Tia,

As I pen down these words, my heart aches with an overwhelming sense of loss and longing. The Crystal Tower, once a place of triumph and victory, now stands as a silent monument to the void that has consumed you. The ancient Allagans and malevolent voidsent, we vanquished them together, side by side, as the Warrior of Light and the brilliant Sharlayan scholar you were.

But now, my love, you have chosen to shut yourself away within those crystalline walls, never to be seen again. My soul is heavy with grief, for I know that I shall never lay eyes upon your gentle countenance or hear your soothing voice whisper my name. The thought of your absence fills me with an emptiness that I can hardly bear.

Oh, G’raha, how we could have been. If only fate had allowed our paths to intertwine in a different way, in a different time. I can’t help but wonder what might have been, the adventures we could have shared, the laughter and tears we could have exchanged. The world of Eorzea would have witnessed our love, a bond as unbreakable as the very crystals that encase you now.

G’raha Tia, b. 6th Umbral Era, d. 7th Astral Era

Your mind, sharp and filled with the wisdom of the ages, drew me to you like a moth to a flame. In your presence, I found solace and inspiration. You taught me that there is more to life than battles fought and won, that knowledge and understanding are treasures that transcend the sword’s edge. Our conversations, like music to my ears, fed my soul and kindled a flame of longing within my heart.

But now, my love, I fear that flame is extinguished. You have chosen to sacrifice yourself to protect the world, to bear the burden of the Crystal Tower’s ancient secrets alone. And though I understand the weight of your duty, I cannot help but resent the cruel hand that has torn you away from me.

I will carry the memory of our time together as a precious treasure, G’raha, locked away in the deepest recesses of my soul. Every moment we shared, every touch, every word, they will live on within me, a bittersweet reminder of what we had and what could have been. Your absence will forever haunt me, and my heart will forever ache for the love that was lost.

Farewell, my dear G’raha. Though I believe you are as good as gone, I will never stop longing for the day when our paths may cross again, when I can look into your eyes and see the flicker of recognition, the spark of a love that time and space could not extinguish. Until that day, I will hold you in my heart, my thoughts forever entwined with yours.

With all the love my shattered heart can muster,

Tipa Dichterwald